Attributes | Values |
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| - Official Opposition of the Legislature of South (Highlands) vs. Official Government of the Legislature of South (Highlands)
| - Official Opposition of the Legislature of the State of South (Highlands) vs. Official Government of the State of South (Highlands) (short form: Opposition of South vs. Goverment of South) 23110 989 (2013) 39281 666 7 was a court case of great effect which was ruled upon by the Supreme Court of the Seafaring Confederation and was the final decision on the life sentences for government officials in the States of South and An Móir Leautheinn in the Highlands and Rockall respectively.
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decision by
| - Lies van Houten, Baroness van Houten of Enschede, Chief Justice
Full Name
| - The Official Opposition of the Legislature of the State of South in the Highlands, and His Lordship's Most Loyal Opposition Temporary of the Legislature of the Viscountcy of An Móir Leautheinn in Rockall, Plaintiffs, versus The Official Government of the Legislature of the State of South in the Highlands, and His Lordship's Government Temporary of the Legislature of the Viscountcy of An Móir Leautheinn in Rockall, Defendants
| - Official Opposition of the Legislature of South vs. Official Government of the Legislature of South
subsequent actions
| - Life sentence to certain government officials of the governments.
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number of judges
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date decided
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prior actions
| - Confederate District Court of County Earra-Ghàidheal , Confederate Appellate Court of the First Circuit of the State of South in the Highlands , Confederate Appellate Court of the State of South in the Highlands , Confederate Federal Appellate Court of the Highlands , His Lordship's Most Loyal Opposition Temporary of the Legislature of the Viscountcy of An Móir Leautheinn joins lawsuit
appealed from
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related actions
| - Confederate crackdown on local governments.
- Firing of all Justices on the Confederate Appellate Court of the First Circuit of the State of South in the Highlands.
appealed to
| - Supreme Court of the Seafaring Confederation
| - Official Opposition of the Legislature of the State of South (Highlands) vs. Official Government of the State of South (Highlands) (short form: Opposition of South vs. Goverment of South) 23110 989 (2013) 39281 666 7 was a court case of great effect which was ruled upon by the Supreme Court of the Seafaring Confederation and was the final decision on the life sentences for government officials in the States of South and An Móir Leautheinn in the Highlands and Rockall respectively. The lawsuit was started by he Opposition in the Legislature of the State of South in the Highlands against the ruling State government of the Conservative Party of South and the Christian Right for unconstitutional behaviour and endangering the democratic process of the State. This was because the government passed laws "with immediate effect", which requires a five-sixths majority of both Houses of Legislature, without having the necessary five-sixth of the votes, denying roll-call votes to be cast. This included passing several extremely controversial acts, for instance the Abortion (Right to abortion) South Act which illegalized abortion under all circumstances, and the Marriage (Same-sex marriage) South Amendment Act, which illegalized same-sex marriage in the State. All these acts were passed with immediate effect without the needed five-sixths majority of the House. The Official Opposition filed a lawsuit pro quantocius in May 2013 in the Confederate District Court of County Earra-Ghàidheal, which immediately found the Government's actions unconstitutional and put on hold all legislation passed by the Government since its coming to power in 2012. The Government appealed to the Confederate Appellate Court of the First Circuit of the State of South in the Highlands, which refused to rule on the matter as, in their belief, both parties "had a lack of standing", which effectively reversed the District Court's ruling and reimplemented the legislation passed. The decision was appealed by the Opposition to the Confederate Appellate Court of the State of South in the Highlands, who immediately ruled that the Circuit Court's judgment was incorrect and effectively reversed the judgment. For the first time in the history of the Seafaring Confederation a system known as Pro quantocius de iudicio, wherein appeals by either party were not asked or granted and the Appellate Court instead in its power granted by Article 13 (Judiciary) of the Constitution of the Seafaring Confederation sent the case immediately to the Confederate Federal Appellate Court of the Highlands for review pro quantocius to then be sent on to the Supreme Court of the Seafaring Confederation. The Confederate Federal Appellate Court affirmed the State Court's judgment and sent it on to the Supreme Court with a two-week interval so other parties had the possibility to join. During this two-week interval, His Lordship's Most Loyal Opposition of the Viscountcy of An Móir Leautheinn in Rockall joined the lawsuit as plaintiffs, automatically adding His Lordship's Goverment in the process. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on 6 July 2013 that both Governments' actions were unconstitutional and undemocratic and ordered for certain individuals within those governments that life sentences or death sentences be given. The Supreme Court also fired all Justices sitting on the Confederate Appellate Court of the First Circuit of the State of South in the Highlands for "political affiliation and threatening the democracy of the Confederation.