- Details of the permission are unknown.
- The buoys are numbered consecutively, going clockwise around the map, starting in the northeast corner.
- Blue Goal: To get to this goal, wait for the big boulder to sink into the ground. When there is a chance for you to get onto the boulder, get on there quickly, or else it will rise again. When your on top of it, just go straight into the goal quickly, before you fall off.
- The buoy is an adventure map structure in the Heroes of Might and Magic Series. It first appeared in Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest. The buoy provides +1 morale for the next battle that the hero fights. This only last for one battle, and only for the hero who visited it. Buoy, however, can only be visited in water tiles. It is known as the beacon in Heroes VI, and increases morale by 10.
- The Buoy is floating on the surface of Daggercap Bay keeping Harold Lagras and players on the quest File:Alliance 15.png [70] Daggercap Divin' alive.
- There were a number of buoys that marked the location of the Underwater Caverns.
- A buoy, often called a flag, is the flag-like structure found on blockade boards that is central to their scoring mechanism. Each buoy may appear with one to three pennants on it. If at the end of the blockade turn, a buoy is within the influence circle of one or more ships of a single alliance, points are scored for that alliance corresponding to the number of pennants on the buoy. Unclaimed buoys and buoys contended by more than one alliance are not scored for any side.