| - Stefan es un necrófago resplandeciente amistoso que vive en las oficinas del director en la fábrica Corredor Rojo en 2277.
- Stefan – przyjaciel Karola, Ireny i Wandy, po pewnym czasie jej partner który przeprowadza się do niejthumb|274px Kategoria:Bohaterowie Kategoria:Drugoplanowi
- In the Episode Eve of the War Stefan drives together with Gary and Dewi Jenkins to the cafe on the corner, where Tom works. Gary and Stefan send Dewi there to get tea for them. Dewi should also pay for it. Stefan drinks the tea with milk and without sugger. Dewi think that he's diabetic. Dewi offered him some Haribo the other day and he did not take it. He was shocked, that Dewi offered him something like that. When Dewi leaves the cafe, Tom runs after him. He kills Gary and Stefan and lets Dewi leave.
- Stefan is a character in Saints Row. Stefan knows about fashion, not about gangs! — Stefan to Benjamin KingBroken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- Stefan is a Romanian vampire, and, obviously, SM copied him from The Vampire Diaries. Anywho, Jacob describes him as looking, acting and sounding like Dracula. And, how can he be like Dracula? Dracula was a monster, not an emo-sparkly teenager, who decides too tell his whole town he's a blood-sucking person,and then kill one during the night, thinking everyone doesn't suspect him for it.
- Es bajo y esbelto, tiene el cabello oscuro. su piel es de apariencia acebollada y rocosa. frame|left|stefan clan rumano
- Is a werewolf mutt seen in Frostbitten.
- Stefan ist eine männliche Person in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Mobile. Er befindet sich in der Nähe des Portal in der Oblivion-Ebene Totenländer.
- Stefan ist der Kassierer im Spielzeugfass.
- Stefan is the Author of the God Norns, Telecinetic Norns and the Vampirnorns for Creatures 2. His Creatures Website was Stefan's Labs.
- Stefan (ang. Stevie) - gekon, namiestnik Juliana, który siedzi na jego drugiej koronie i się gibie. Miał sprawować władzę za Juliana na Madagaskarze po wydarzeniach z filmu Madagaskar (scena, gdy król lemurów powierza mu władzę jest przedstawiona na początku drugiej części). Nieznane są jego dalsze losy, ani nie wiadomo na temat jego przeszłości.
- Hänen lyhyt hetkensä parrasvaloissa tapahtui, kun Valkoparta heitti vahingossa Stefanin kauas merille Stefanille tarkoitetun bumerangin sijaan. Koska Stefan ei palannut bumerangin tavoin takaisin, osti Valkoparta hänen tilalleen äkkiä uuden koiran, jotta Valkopartapiraattien, etenkin Marcon sydän ei murtuisi. Kukaan ei koskaan huomannut vaihdosta.
- Stefan ist Hobbyzauberer. Franziska Bauer, Tessa Rindfleisch und Joana Hofmeister wollten ihn mit Charlie Hauke verkuppeln. Zusehen war er in Folge 386 und 391. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Toni Deutsch.
- Stefan è il cane di Barbabianca. Ha due baffi simili a quelli del suo padrone. È un personaggio-scherzo ideato da Oda quando un lettore gli ha chiesto se i baffi di Barbabianca potessero essere usati come un boomerang.
- He currently plays:
* Karis
* Alita
* Kirk
* Tachikoma : That is all you need to know.
- Stefan is a friendly glowing one in the CEO offices of the Red Racer factory in 2277.
- Stefan is Whitebeard's dog. It is a character invented by Oda when a fan asked him in an SBS if Whitebeard's mustache could be used as a boomerang. Oda answered that Whitebeard probably did whenever he took his dog, Stefan, for a walk.
- Stefan (ステファン - Sutefan) est le chien de Barbe Blanche. On sait relativement peu de choses à son sujet mis à part le fait qu'il s'agit d'un personnage inventé par Eiichiro Oda quand un lecteur le lui a demandé dans un SBS. Oda l'a probablement fait quand il a pris son chien, Stefan, pour une promenade.
- "Loves vegetables; in fact, he has a bit of an obsession for them. His greatest joy in life is eating the vegetables that he has grown with his own hands. As far as he’s concerned, he’d rather be around them than around women." — —Details Window
- Stefan was Chaim Rosenzweig's valet. He became a believer during the gathering of the Witnesses and apparently was curious about the mark of the believer. He was killed by GC after the midpoint events, in which he tried to escape while they where torturing Hannelore and her mother.
- Es muy parecido a su dueño, es de color blanco y sobre todo tiene el mismo característico bigote de Barbablanca.
- Stefan (Played by Victor Mohica) was a gypsy juror in 1897. King Johnny Romano, acting as prosecutor and judge at a gypsy trial against Magda Rakosi, summoned the spirits of gypsy murderers and thieves to serve as the jury, one of whom was Stefan. After being found guilty of betraying the gypsy people, Magda succeeded in banishing the spirits of the dead, including Stefan, who were pursuing her as part of her punishment (826).
- Stefan ist ein Mensch aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Im Alter von 8 Jahren verliebt sich Beverly Howard in den zu diesem Zeitpunkt 11-jährigen Fußball-Spieler, auch wenn er von ihr scheinbar keine Notiz nimmt. Die junge Howard träumt davon, mit ihm verheiratet zu sein, drei Kinder zu bekommen und mitzuerleben, wie Stefan zu einem bedeutenden Künstler wird, der atemberaubende Metall-Skulpturen erschafft. Im Jahr 2367 erinnert sich Crusher an ihre Jugendliebe, als sie mit Deanna Troi über ihre Beziehung zu Botschafter Odan spricht. (TNG: ) Stefan wird lediglich namentlich erwähnt.
- Stefan war ein Mitglied des Scharlachroten Kreuzzuges sowie der Neffe von Hauptmann Lauer.
- Stefan was an intelligence agent who worked alongside Indiana Jones in Istanbul in 1918. Ultimately, Stefan revealed himself to be a double-agent and killed Molly Walder, mistaking her for Jones. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
- Nation: Ascalon Profession: Sword Warrior Armament: Ascalon Razor and Militia Shield Armor: Warrior Tyrian Armor Stefan is available for hire from Ascalon City onwards until Thunderhead Keep, where he is replaced by Devona.
- Stefans are usually made from foam backer rod (also known as caulk saver) and a weight. Common weights include #6 washers, copper BB's, 1/4" slingshot weights, molded silicone tips, or sometimes putty or another non-hardening substance. The top is then covered with a piece foam, felt, hot glue dome, or rubber tip. The result is a straight flying, accurate, faster, longer range, and cheaper dart; the only downside to Stefans are that they are slightly more painful.
- Stefan (ソーンバルケ Sōnbaruke, Soanvalcke in the Japanese versions) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is an extremely skilled and powerful swordsman who resides in a colony of Branded in the Grann Desert. He is directly descended from Soan, one of Ashera's Three Heroes, as mentioned in the Path of Radiance artbook. He is recruited in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance by going two squares left and 1 square down from the top right square with Lethe or Mordecai in chapter 15: The Feral Frontier. If you send a Beorc character on the square he will just give his sword to the character, the S-ranked Vague Katti. In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, he is recruited by heading 12 squares up and 1 square left from the lower right with Micaiah, Lethe, or Mord
- This is the Ranger station. Would you like to know more about the Rangers? What would you like to know? Rangers are aisling enforcers of Temurian law ((terms of service)). They wander the lands arresting those who commit acts of sleephunting, profanity, sexual harassment and any other violation of Temurian law. Rangers do not enforce city laws such as theft, murder or any other aisling written law. Rangers have jurisdiction anywhere within Temuair and Medenia for any offense under their authority. Rangers wear a uniform similar to city guards (tabard) but yellow in color.
- Stefan was a male soccer player, born in 2321. In 2332, when Beverly Howard was eight, she had a major crush on an eleven-year-old Stefan, even though he did not know she existed. She fantasized that they would eventually marry and have three children: Andrew and Alexander (twins) and Jennifer. She also imagined that Stefan became a great artist, creating breathtaking metal sculptures. In 2367, she mentioned her crush on Stefan to Deanna Troi when trying to sort through her feelings for Odan, then temporarily living in William T. Riker's body. (TNG: "The Host" )
- Prince of Ordo Negrum Equites (O.N.E.), Star of Wallachia and Imperial Baron of Pitesti, Stefan is O.N.E. Magister and Ambassador, and O.N.E. V Semper Eadem Commander. Stefan is known for his inventiveness and inteligence, he likes the intrigue and to intrigue others. Fine warrior and a good artist, he likes to paint and sing too. ' Wife: Aida, "Bed Of Roses" Princess, Amazon of Ordo Negrum Equites (O.N.E.), Captain of O.N.E. V Semper Eadem. Daughter: Donnagiordana, Sergeant of O.N.E. V Semper Eadem, Amazon of O.N.E. II Brigata Amesha. Son: Peter99, dead. Daughter: Fiorellino, dead. ( Italiano )