| - Nolan to geniusz technologii, któremu brak manier i umiejętności towarzyskich. Coś pomiędzy Markiem Zuckerbergiem i Howardem Hughesem. Ma więcej pieniędzy niż prawie każdy na wyspie, ale nauczył się twardej lekcji, że w Hamptons ogromna fortuna nie wystarczy, by zyskać akceptację towarzystwa. Nolan jest pompatyczny i arogancki, ale w duchu marzy o nawiązaniu relacji z ludźmi. Chociaż publicznie nie przyznaje się do znajomości z Emily Thorne, prawda jest taka, że ma powiązania z jej przeszłością, teraźniejszością i przede wszystkim zna jej tajemnicę. Będąc jedyną osobą, która wie kim naprawdę jest Emily sprawia, że może być użytecznym sojusznikiem bądź stanowić zagrożenie dla jej prawdziwego planu.
- Nolan Ross是Emily Thorne最亲密和值得信任的朋友,也是一个不善交际的计算机天才,十分富有。他多疑,却将自己完全交给了Emily,他不仅替她守护秘密,还为她提供源源不断的资金支持。因为在年少时别人鄙夷他的时候,Emily的父亲给过他终生难忘的信任和支持。
- Nolan Mitchell Ross is a genius software inventor and also a computer hacker who comes to the aid of Emily in her plot for revenge against the Grayson family. He is shunned by the rest of the Hamptons community, which he could partially be due to his loyalty to David Clarke. When Nolan first went into business, large companies turned him away and nobody supported him, but David believed in his ideas and invested some of his money in Nolan's company, NolCorp. Nolan, therefore, believes that he has a duty to uphold the Clarke name and, as a result, helps Emily in her plot against the Graysons by aiding her through the use of various technical skills. Nolan's help has proved vital to Emily's revenge and therefore they've become best friends, forming a bond with each other and deepening Nolan
- Nolan Leslie Ross is a genius software inventor and also a computer hacker who comes to the aid of Emily in her plot for revenge against the Grayson family. And he is shunned by the rest of the Hamptons community which he could be partially due to his loyalty to David Clarke. When Nolan first went into business large companies turned him away and nobody supported him but David who believed in his ideas and invested some of his money in Nolan's company, NolCorp'. Nolan therefore believes that he has a duty to uphold the Clarke name and, as a result, helps Emily in her plot against the Graysons by aiding her through the use of various technical skills. Nolan's help has proved vital to Emily's revenge and therefore they two become close friends, forming a bond with each other and deepening N