| - Kickassia Part 2: Triumph and Treacle Spoony: Is everyone preparing for battle? NC: They are, Spoony. Spoony: *nervous and sweating* Good. NC: You know, Spoony, you would really help the team out if you were to…well…you know. Spoony: *turning his head slightly, voice cracking* Summon him? NC: It would be just this once, Spoony. Just this once and you can go back to normal. Spoony: *turns around suddenly* NORMAL?! There’s no normal. I don’t even know what normal is any more. Every day I live with the beast raging inside of me. NC: But, if you would only try! Spoony: You'll find none of it left here!
| - Kickassia Part 2: Triumph and Treacle Spoony: Is everyone preparing for battle? NC: They are, Spoony. Spoony: *nervous and sweating* Good. NC: You know, Spoony, you would really help the team out if you were to…well…you know. Spoony: *turning his head slightly, voice cracking* Summon him? NC: It would be just this once, Spoony. Just this once and you can go back to normal. Spoony: *turns around suddenly* NORMAL?! There’s no normal. I don’t even know what normal is any more. Every day I live with the beast raging inside of me. NC: All you need to do is set him free and then once you have him under control- Spoony: CONTROL?! There is no control! There is only ANARCHY! Chaos! And the world writhing in pain! NC: But, if you would only try! Spoony: TRY?! There is no try! *Spoony grabs NC* There is only the darkness! NC: Give in, Spoony. Give in for me. And the team. And for me! Spoony: *sigh* I left the madness behind me a long time ago. Spoony: You'll find none of it left here! NC: Sometimes we all need to give in to the madness. *Spoony then looks nervous as NC walks out of the room, his eyes turning toward the camera in horror as the door shuts.* Baugh: Just a heads up, guys. Molossia might be under attack in a couple minutes or so. Molossian citizens: Mmmhmmm... NC: LordKat! Make ready the new salute for our nation! *LordKat steps up and gives everyone the bird. Everyone does the same in salute.* NC: Alright people, this is the moment you've been waiting for! Bravery will be rewarded! Destinies will be revealed! And the honor of a new nation will be born! A nation which I will declare-KICKASSIA! Spoony: Wolverines! Film Brain: Symbolism! NC: Phallus, send the signal to sound the charge! Phelous: Okay. First of all, it's "Phelous" not "Phallus". Second, the guy's standing right there looking at you. Why don't you send the signal yourself? NC: *chuckle* Phallus *dope slap* Just do it. NC: *turns around* For all of Kickassia...CHARGE! Linkara: MARZGURL! *runs over to her* NO! MarzGurl! You were so young and blue haired! Damn you, Molossia! *MarzGurl slowly gets up.* Damn you to hell! *MarzGurl takes off her mask.* MarzGurl: I... I'm fine. Linkara: Oh! God, MarzGurl! You're dead. No! You want me to tell you about Disneyland? MarzGurl: No, seriously. I'm ok- Linkara: There's cotton candy on the trees! You can just climb up and get one if you want! MarzGurl: Look, I don't know who you seem to think you are. I mean I'm really- Linkara: Take comfort in my masculine arms! MarzGurl: *muffled* You're an idiot! NC: *quickly* Remember, pain is just God's way of telling you to try harder! 8 Bit Mickey: Easy boy, easy! Let's go! Bum: Raaaah! Long live Kickassia! *cannonball lands near him* Okay. I'm going. NC: FENCE! Angry Joe: It's no use! The bullets are just going through the holes! NC: *turns and calls for a ladder* LADDERS! *they find the quickly summoned ladder to be too big* Everyone: Huh... NC: FOOTSTOOLS! NC: QUICKLY! To the Molossia railroad! JewWario: AHHHHHHHH! Phelous: It's just a toy train! Benzaie: This is it, Beary! At least you're dying for a good cause! Beary: It was an honor to serve you, mon ami! Beary: Ow. NC: DESTROY HIM! NC: Huh? *spots him.* HEY! NC: COCK! NC: GAH! Lee: Don't get me angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry! Spoony: WOAH! It's 3D LEE! Brad: H-Hey! 3D Lee is pretty awesome! NC: Don't make us review you! NC: *turns to Joe* Follow him?! NC: Alright, President Baugh. Hand over Molossia and nobody gets hurt. Fritz von Baugh: I'm not the president. I'm Fritz von Baugh, Minister of Making Things Orderly. Brad: But, it's so obviously you. Fritz von Baugh: Yes, I get that a lot. But, the fact is we're two totally different people. NC: Okay, well, where is the "president"? Fritz von Baugh: Oh. He's gone. Flew right out the door. MarzGurl: So...You mean we won? Fritz von Baugh: It looks that way. Yes. Joe: Molossia has been conquered! A new dawn of government is upon us! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Molossian citizens: Mmmhmmm... NC: My friends, this is indeed a great day. We have given birth to a new nation! NC: And there will be government. Rules. And a new democracy to live by! Linkara: Why a democracy? NC: Because I say so. And I will be your president! Crowd: YAY! NC: Nostalgia Chick will be vice president! Crowd: YAY! NC: And the rest we'll figure out at another time! Film Brain: Another time! NC: And as my first order as your president. I shall build a table. A round table so that everyone can look at each other in the eye. Nchick: Hmm. That's a good idea. It's like everyone's equal. NC: Yes! And I shall be elevated above you in a rocket chair! A magnificent rocket chair so I can look down on all of you and see just how equal we all are! Everyone groans: ...Yay... NC: Make yourselves comfortable, everybody, for we have given birth to the greatest nation ever known! We have given birth TO KICKASSIA!