Hard Mode is an aptly named world-specific mode that is unlocked by defeating the Wall of Flesh. The Corruption or The Crimson spread more rapidly in Hard Mode, and a new biome known as The Hallow is created. New monsters, bosses, and items are available in Hard Mode as well. This mode cannot be turned off - defeating the Wall of Flesh will permanently set that world to Hard Mode, unless one uses cheats. The only way to convert a world back to Pre-Hardmode is through third party editing.
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- Hard mode
- Hard mode
- Hard mode
- Hard mode
| - Hard Mode is an aptly named world-specific mode that is unlocked by defeating the Wall of Flesh. The Corruption or The Crimson spread more rapidly in Hard Mode, and a new biome known as The Hallow is created. New monsters, bosses, and items are available in Hard Mode as well. This mode cannot be turned off - defeating the Wall of Flesh will permanently set that world to Hard Mode, unless one uses cheats. The only way to convert a world back to Pre-Hardmode is through third party editing.
- Hard Mode is much different than that of Normal Mode. The differences are:
* The enemies health, defense, and speed appear much faster.
* They also appear more frequently, especially if it's either Seagoon or Gold Endo.
* Allows the player to defeat Scott Cawthon after Security, which is in the red tent behind him.
* Attacks for certain enemies have been added, such as Chipper's Revenge's "4th Wall" attack has been added into his attack system. Upon completing this mode, the player earns the "Scott Cawthon" trophy.
- Hard mode, not to be confused with heroic mode, refers to the increase in difficulty of a raid boss encounter resulting in increased rewards and/or achievements. This is accomplished by doing or not doing certain things that increase the difficulty of the boss fight. You can not set the boss encounter to Hard mode from the user interface.
- Prior to the release of Wrath of the Lich King and the coming of real hard mode encounters, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was the first raid instance to have an encounter where the difficulty and loot were determined by the order you kill each boss.
- Wersja trudna (nie mylić z wersją heroiczną) odnosi się do zwiększonej trudności spotkań z bossami rajdowymi, co skutkuje wyższymi nagrodami i/lub osiągnięciami. Dzieje się to przez wykonanie lub nie wykonanie pewnych czynności, które zwiększają trudność walki z bossem. Nie ma możliwości ustawienia trudności spotkania z bossem na wersję trudną z poziomu interfejsu użytkownika.
- Quote's appearance changes in the mode too; instead of the normal red outfit, he wears a light blue outfit, and has blonde hair instead of black. His skin is also a peach color, instead of pale white. This gives him a more human-like appearance, but all character dialogue noting that Quote is a surface robot remains unchanged. The game is the same in every other way. This mode is not available on the original freeware version of Cave Story.
- Hard Mode is a new difficulty that is automatically activtated after defeating E.N.T.I.T.Y. It is only in BTD6.
- "Hard Mode" is a common difficulty choice in a video game, along with Easy, Normal, and on some games - Very Hard. In Resident Evil Outbreak, it is unlocked after completing the Decisions, Decisions scenario. 2000 points are needed to purchase it. In Outbreak File 2, It is unlocked after completing the "end of the road" for the same price.
- Harde modus is iets dat je pas kan doen nadat je het spel hebt uitgespeeld vanaf dan kan je met al je andere spelers vanaf niveau 20 de harde modus doen. Wanneer je in Hard Mode bent dan worden de monsters en hun bazen veel moeilijker, de zwakste vijanden zijn niveau 20 (op een paar uitzonderingen na, zoals pets) en de sterkste kunnen zelfs over de niveau 30 gaan, alhoewel dit vaker bij bazen voorkomt. Wanneer je harde modus doet kun je punten verdien om een titel de krijgen, namelijk de Vanquisher, Verdrijver in nederlands.Wanneer je missies doet in Hard Modus krijg je meer ervaring en ook meer geld. de risico's zijn natuurlijk veel groter. Wat eerst een geamekkelijke missie was is nu een zeer moeilijke missie. Dit is dan ook vooral voor de meer ervaren spelers.
- Hard Mode is a game mechanic and seen frequently in the Fire Emblem series. Beginning with Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, games offer a Hard Mode after the player has cleared the game once. In Hard Mode, there are usually more enemies, and they are more powerful, receiving a set number of hidden Level Ups. In some hard modes, like The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade, some characters receive stat boosts to make them even more useful in hard mode, like, for example, Klein or Legault. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
- "Hard Mode" in Metroid: Other M is unlike the "Hard Mode" seen in the previous games. It is a no-expansions run, but still has the same difficulty in terms of enemy stamina. Due to the enemies' increased damage and the lack of Energy Tanks, many opponents can easily incapacitate Samus in one to three hits, regardless of the Varia and/or Gravity features enabled. It is also the first instance in which Hard Mode is unlocked by collecting all pickups. The final scene where Samus returns to the BOTTLE SHIP to retrieve Adam's helmet cannot be played on Hard Mode, as the game ends after the MB battle.
- It is highly recommended you know as much about the game as you can, seeing as how one mistake can cause the loss of one or all your current battling Adepts. It is also recommended that you level up as fast as you can and as high as you can. It is also highly advised you enter a Password in this mode in particular so that the power of the original Golden Sun party is noticeably higher than it would ordinarily be, and allows access to all the Djinn. Boss battles, in particular, will be sharply more challenging. Interestingly enough, the only two enemies that do NOT get as significant a challenge boost as others in Hard Mode are Dullahan, the strongest optional superboss (The maximum amount of HP the game's code allows any enemy to have is 16,383 and, because Dullahan ordinarily has 16,000 H
- While in hard mode, players earn 50% more experience points from combat. Completing missions (with all bonus objectives) contributes to the Guardian title track. A player who completes all the missions of a campaign on hard mode is awarded the "Guardian of " title, where is one of Tyria, Cantha, or Elona, depending upon the campaign.
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| - Hard Mode is an aptly named world-specific mode that is unlocked by defeating the Wall of Flesh. The Corruption or The Crimson spread more rapidly in Hard Mode, and a new biome known as The Hallow is created. New monsters, bosses, and items are available in Hard Mode as well. This mode cannot be turned off - defeating the Wall of Flesh will permanently set that world to Hard Mode, unless one uses cheats. The only way to convert a world back to Pre-Hardmode is through third party editing.
- Hard Mode is a game mechanic and seen frequently in the Fire Emblem series. Beginning with Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, games offer a Hard Mode after the player has cleared the game once. In Hard Mode, there are usually more enemies, and they are more powerful, receiving a set number of hidden Level Ups. In Radiant Dawn, the player had to first clear the game on Normal Mode in order to be granted access to Hard Mode. In the Hard Mode of Radiant Dawn, the Battle Save feature was disabled, and the player was unable to see enemy attack ranges on the map. Additionally, the weapon triangle and map affinities no longer applied. In Shadow Dragon, there are five levels of Hard Mode, none of them feature the prologue, with hard available from start and more difficult versions are unlocked by beating the last, with the highest called H5, or Merciless. In H5, all enemies have weapon ranks of A, and their stats are insanely high. The sequel continues this trend, but with all levels available from the start, the prologue chapters still played through in a more difficult form, and even offering a permanent reward for completing any hard mode once: the ability for characters to reclass into any class of their gender, without restrictions. In some hard modes, like The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade, some characters receive stat boosts to make them even more useful in hard mode, like, for example, Klein or Legault. In Awakening, most enemies get new skills and forged weapons. They can receive skills that their level cannot get at the moment (e.g a level 4 Warrior with Counter). Enemies after Chapter 21 will also begin to have forged weapons whenever possible. In Fates, most enemies will have skills, with a few having access to skills that they cannot normally obtain. Enemy reinforcements are also stronger and can appear in chapters that do not have reinforcements on Normal Mode. Regardless, in both Awakening and Fates, enemy weapon proficiency are better then that of Normal Mode. The minimum weapon rank proficiency for both games is C compared to E on Normal Mode. In addition, they will also be carrying higher ranked weapons; for example, enemy Onmyojis in Fates are more likely to carry weapons like Dragon and Snake Spirits compared to those in Normal Mode. In addition, skirmish training in Hard mode is harder due to the increased prices to create one. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
- Harde modus is iets dat je pas kan doen nadat je het spel hebt uitgespeeld vanaf dan kan je met al je andere spelers vanaf niveau 20 de harde modus doen. Wanneer je in Hard Mode bent dan worden de monsters en hun bazen veel moeilijker, de zwakste vijanden zijn niveau 20 (op een paar uitzonderingen na, zoals pets) en de sterkste kunnen zelfs over de niveau 30 gaan, alhoewel dit vaker bij bazen voorkomt. Wanneer je harde modus doet kun je punten verdien om een titel de krijgen, namelijk de Vanquisher, Verdrijver in nederlands.Wanneer je missies doet in Hard Modus krijg je meer ervaring en ook meer geld. de risico's zijn natuurlijk veel groter. Wat eerst een geamekkelijke missie was is nu een zeer moeilijke missie. Dit is dan ook vooral voor de meer ervaren spelers.
* In "Hard Mode" heb je voor de kisten geen sleutels nodig maar lockpicks.
* Henchmen hebben aangepaste (betere) skills en zijn altijd level 20
* In "Hard Mode" droppen monsters ook "skill tomes" en bazen "elite tomes"
* In "Hard Mode" krijg je dubbele reputatie punten (bijvoorbeeld voor asura of sunspear)
* Monsters in "Hard Mode" vluchten sneller uit "AoE" aanvallen en ontwijken "Traps" beter.
* Monsters bewegen, aanvallen en voeren skills 33-50% sneller in "Hard Mode"
* Zeldzame voorwerpen en materialen droppen vaker in "Hard Mode". Dat geld niet voor monster- of gebiedspecifieke drops zoals ectoplasm in de onderwereld
* Als je hele party in in "Hard Mode" 60% "Death Penalty" heeft, en de party dood is, heeft de party verloren en moet terugkeren naar de "outpost"
- Hard Mode is much different than that of Normal Mode. The differences are:
* The enemies health, defense, and speed appear much faster.
* They also appear more frequently, especially if it's either Seagoon or Gold Endo.
* Allows the player to defeat Scott Cawthon after Security, which is in the red tent behind him.
* Attacks for certain enemies have been added, such as Chipper's Revenge's "4th Wall" attack has been added into his attack system. Upon completing this mode, the player earns the "Scott Cawthon" trophy.
- Hard mode, not to be confused with heroic mode, refers to the increase in difficulty of a raid boss encounter resulting in increased rewards and/or achievements. This is accomplished by doing or not doing certain things that increase the difficulty of the boss fight. You can not set the boss encounter to Hard mode from the user interface.
- Prior to the release of Wrath of the Lich King and the coming of real hard mode encounters, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was the first raid instance to have an encounter where the difficulty and loot were determined by the order you kill each boss.
- "Hard Mode" in Metroid: Other M is unlike the "Hard Mode" seen in the previous games. It is a no-expansions run, but still has the same difficulty in terms of enemy stamina. Due to the enemies' increased damage and the lack of Energy Tanks, many opponents can easily incapacitate Samus in one to three hits, regardless of the Varia and/or Gravity features enabled. It is also the first instance in which Hard Mode is unlocked by collecting all pickups. The final scene where Samus returns to the BOTTLE SHIP to retrieve Adam's helmet cannot be played on Hard Mode, as the game ends after the MB battle. Hard Mode in the Japanese version of Metroid Fusion and in all versions of Metroid: Zero Mission affects expansions and enemy damage. All expansions are worth much less than they are in Normal Mode; an Energy Tank gives only 50 more energy, Missile Expansions give only 2 more missiles, and Super Missiles and Power Bombs give only 1 more ammo of the respective type. Enemies also deal twice as much damage as compared to Normal Mode. In Federation Force, each mission can be played in normal and Hard Mode. If the player desires to unlock all Paint Jobs, they will need to complete all 22 missions on both difficulty levels, unlocking all three medals for each mission. This requires completing the mission quickly and completing bonus objectives, as well as achieving a high score. When Hard Mode is selected on the mission select screen, the music will become darker, the interface will turn red and each mission prefix will be spelled with an H instead of an M, for example, M01: Outpost changes to H01: Outpost.
- Wersja trudna (nie mylić z wersją heroiczną) odnosi się do zwiększonej trudności spotkań z bossami rajdowymi, co skutkuje wyższymi nagrodami i/lub osiągnięciami. Dzieje się to przez wykonanie lub nie wykonanie pewnych czynności, które zwiększają trudność walki z bossem. Nie ma możliwości ustawienia trudności spotkania z bossem na wersję trudną z poziomu interfejsu użytkownika.
- It is highly recommended you know as much about the game as you can, seeing as how one mistake can cause the loss of one or all your current battling Adepts. It is also recommended that you level up as fast as you can and as high as you can. It is also highly advised you enter a Password in this mode in particular so that the power of the original Golden Sun party is noticeably higher than it would ordinarily be, and allows access to all the Djinn. Boss battles, in particular, will be sharply more challenging. Interestingly enough, the only two enemies that do NOT get as significant a challenge boost as others in Hard Mode are Dullahan, the strongest optional superboss (The maximum amount of HP the game's code allows any enemy to have is 16,383 and, because Dullahan ordinarily has 16,000 HP, this restriction keeps his HP from being increased as dramatically as it is for other monsters.), and Valukar (for similar reasons). It is also worth noting that any monster spawned mid-battle (such as the balls Star Magician summons) will retain their original normal-mode stats, and thus will be significantly easier than their Hard Mode counterparts. Hard mode exists only for optional challenge value, as there are no extra rewards for playing through or completing it. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Hard_Mode&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge.
- Quote's appearance changes in the mode too; instead of the normal red outfit, he wears a light blue outfit, and has blonde hair instead of black. His skin is also a peach color, instead of pale white. This gives him a more human-like appearance, but all character dialogue noting that Quote is a surface robot remains unchanged. The game is the same in every other way. This mode is not available on the original freeware version of Cave Story.
- Hard Mode is a new difficulty that is automatically activtated after defeating E.N.T.I.T.Y. It is only in BTD6.
- "Hard Mode" is a common difficulty choice in a video game, along with Easy, Normal, and on some games - Very Hard. In Resident Evil Outbreak, it is unlocked after completing the Decisions, Decisions scenario. 2000 points are needed to purchase it. In Outbreak File 2, It is unlocked after completing the "end of the road" for the same price.
- While in hard mode, players earn 50% more experience points from combat. Completing missions (with all bonus objectives) contributes to the Guardian title track. A player who completes all the missions of a campaign on hard mode is awarded the "Guardian of " title, where is one of Tyria, Cantha, or Elona, depending upon the campaign. Completely clearing explorable areas of all hostile creatures contributes to the Vanquisher title track. If all members of a party are at 60% death penalty and the party is wiped, they are returned to the last visited outpost instead of being resurrected at the nearest activated shrine.
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