This is a Locke episode. In flashbacks we learn that Locke was in a support group for a month and he hates people because the wuurst things happened to hiiim. But he also meets HELEN! and not the helen you are thinking about. Locke also had a smoking habit but he sucks at it. But that's not important. Locke also does lots of sexy times with a real life woman! and doesn't even pay for it but he still has issues with his dee-dah. blaaaah.
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- Orientation
- Orientation
- Orientation
- Orientation
- Orientation
- Orientation
- Orientation
| - This is a Locke episode. In flashbacks we learn that Locke was in a support group for a month and he hates people because the wuurst things happened to hiiim. But he also meets HELEN! and not the helen you are thinking about. Locke also had a smoking habit but he sucks at it. But that's not important. Locke also does lots of sexy times with a real life woman! and doesn't even pay for it but he still has issues with his dee-dah. blaaaah.
- "Orientation" is the first chapter of Volume Five, and Season Four of Heroes. It originally aired on September 21, 2009.
- The direction from which a player receives an attack will effect the amount of damage it does. This means there is a clear numeric advantage for players who manage to position themselves behind their opponents. This can either be achieve through unexpected or rapid movement, or through multiple allies (a surrounded target can only ever face one opponent, exposing their vulnerable sides to others).
- Characters with this skill have an instinctive 'feel' for direction; they will always be able to find north in any surroundings and can navigate in most circumstances with little or no chance of becoming lost. In difficult circumstances, the gamesmaster may impose an Int test.
- Orientation is the twenty-second issue of the series.
- Jack, Kate, Locke, and Desmond attempt to repair the damaged computer. Locke's life before the crash reveals a past love. And Michael, Jin, and Sawyer find a Flight 815 survivor.
- [Source] "Orientation" est une nouvelle écrite par John Jackson Miller et publiée par Titan Magazines dans le Star Wars Insider 157 le 21 avril 2015 aux États-Unis. Elle a été traduite par Sandy Julien et publié par Panini Magazines dans le Star Wars Insider France 2 le 17 juillet 2015 en France. Cette nouvelle se situe juste avant le roman Les Seigneurs des Sith et est centrée sur les personnages de Dark Sidious et Dark Vador.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio número tres de la segunda temporada de Lost y 28 de toda la serie. Michael, Sawyer y Jin se encuentran prisioneros tras encontrarse con quienes creen que son un grupo de Otros. En la Escotilla, el grupo aprende nuevos detalles de su nuevo entorno, pero quedan confundidos con la reacción de Desmond cuando el extraño ordenador se estropea.
- "Orientation" is the third episode of Season 2 of Lost and the twenty-eighth produced hour of the series as a whole. Michael, Sawyer, and Jin find themselves prisoners after they encounter what they believe to be a group of Others. At the Hatch, the group learns more about their new surroundings, but are confused at Desmond's reaction when the strange computer equipment is broken.
- "Orientation" is a short story by John Jackson Miller that was published in Star Wars Insider 157. The story ties into the novel Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp and features Darth Sidious and Darth Vader.
- Będąc na nieznanej im plaży, Sawyer i Michael widzą biegnącego w ich stronę, związanego Jina, którego goni grupa ludzi, których Jin nazywa Innymi. Cała trójka zostaje szybko obezwładniona i pozbawiona przytomności przez potężnego Murzyna. Reszta grupy zaciąga trzech rozbitków w pobliże swojego obozu, gdzie wrzuca ich do wykopanego w ziemi dołu, przykrytego bambusowymi prętami.
- by David L. Brown The Psych professor stands at his podium peering at the strange faces before him. All eyes are on him, and he can’t help but feel pride in that. Not a one is doodling or is asleep or is daydreaming. It looks like this is one of the few classes full of minds that want to learn, that want to know all the secrets. He feels the tension rise as the whole class busies itself pulling out notebooks. Fear seeps into the eyes of many of the students. Even though the students quickly prepare for the assignment, before they can settle down, the professor bellows, “If we are all ready!”
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "Orientation" foi o terceiro episódio da 2ª Temporada e o vigésimo oitavo de Lost; foi ao ar em 5 de Outubro de 2005.
- Michael en Sawyer zien Jin met zijn armen aan elkaar gebonden op hen afrennen op het strand, achterna gezeten door een groep van 5 personen die hij "Others" noemt. Alle drie heren worden aangevallen en snel bewusteloos geslagen door een van de andere groep. Deze mensen, sommigen maar half gekleed, slepen de bewusteloze mannen in netten naar een kuil die is bedekt met (van bamboe gemaakte) tralies.
- L'indication des directions est une science qui a marqué l'histoire de l’humanité par son inexactitude et son caractère aussi aléatoire que la trajectoire d’un pigeon bourré (voire dans certains cas proprement approximative). La raison pour laquelle nous n’avons jamais triomphé de cette difficulté est d'autant plus évidente qu'elle saute aux yeux du lecteur indiscret tel le spermophile indonésien sur une noix après une période de jeûne religieux et de privation sexuelle intensive: Voir :
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story name
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| - *Croiseur
**Destroyer Stellaire
***Destroyer Stellaire de classe Impérial
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| - *Mondes du Noyau
***Centre de formation
***Institut de navigation
*Système Denon
*Bordure Extérieure
**Secteur Gaulus
***Système Ryloth
*Espace Sauvage
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| - *Humain
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