| - 3.15576E9
- No no no! Don't hurt them! They're just making conversation! They were completely and totally respectful of me and my person at all times! Please do not instigate an argument on my account!
What pigs. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I was this close to blasting them into next week. Good thing you got here. What's with the get-up? This is supposed to be formal. Oh. Whoops.
What? Oh, no, that's not at all necessary! I'm sure Faultline understands they were just inquiring about heightened security measures for the peace conference! You don't have to tell him at ALL!
That'll fix their little red wagons. Even those Rikti Traditionalists had better manners. Well, except that one. He kept saying, "'nette: Sup?" Someone needs to take away his Mark 1 decoder.
Like my attire? I picked it up from Icon. I practically had to beat Serge senseless before he'd give me a decent deal.
So, hey, did you talk to Faultline and Serpent Drummer yet?
- Combat start: Intention: Assure Victory. Method: Personal!
- So you may be wondering why I'm all dressed up in this fancy suit. Oh, Serpent Drummer already told you? Okay. So you call that dressing up? Anyway, 'nette and I are on security for this conference. Only the best for world peace, right?
So far so good. It's been pretty quiet, actually. Everyone is surprisingly civil. It kind of makes me nervous, if you want the truth. Anyway, Serpent Drummer slipped in the back door a few minutes ago, so maybe you should go talk to him. He's got that purposeful stare about him and it's directed at you.
- Dr. Aeon: I'll... I'll tell you everything you want to know, if you spare me!
- Once free: Profound realization: Difficult occupation chosen: Massive compensation request: In near future.
- This peace conference is crucial. Whatever Serpent Drummer requests of you, do it.
- Just help me get to the main control computer!
At the PTS computer: Right, that's taken care of and I'm out of here!
- Error Realization: Enemy Underestimation. Solemn Vow: Same Mistake: Never Again.
- Before combat: Pervasive Sensation: Eldritch Power
- D'oh! Sorry, Mis-tell. Let's get back to the mission!
- . I'm glad to see you're still with us. Something has the Rikti in a frenzy. We've even received requests for help from the Rogue Isles. It seems Dr. Aeon isn't entirely willing to rely on Arachnos to protect the Power Transfer System in Cap Au Diable. We're sending you in by teleporter to the PTS control center to help the good doctor protect this power system. Once you're done there, Levantera will have your next assignment.
- These documents and data storage devices were in an armored case, and are clearly important. However, it will take the resources back at the Vanguard base to fully translate them.
- Since then, seen: Freedom Phalanx; Seen: Earth-Heroes.
- Surprised Observation: Survival. Counter Strategy: Enacted!
- Combat start: Reputation: Excellent. Expectation: Worthy Combat.
- ... : ...
- ... : Heh
- ... : Lost.
- ... : Ready.
- ... : Thanks.
- If refound: Alright, quit grinning at the old man having a senile moment, and let's get cracking.
- Wish I had better news for you, but the Rikti are still on the attack. Your next objective will be Overbrook Dam in Paragon City. Longbow forces are already on the scene, but are getting overwhelmed by the Rikti. You need to take out the raid's leader. Good luck!
- Well, never mind. We've got to shut down the PTS before it esca...
- Arachnos Soldier: Aeon's abandoned us!
- Back-up Plan: Ready. Second Wave: Attack!
- C'Kelkah: Our Mission: Diplomatic!
- C'mon 'Nette, get your head together.
- Chief Soldier: Long-Held Desire: Slay Ballista
- Conference Attendee: Interesting...
- Conference Attendee: Recording...
- Explodes! Yes, before it explodes.
- Finally Traced: Point of Origin.
- Foe Status: The way of all history
- Further Attacks: Dozens.
- Hro'Dtohz Strategy: Outmaneuvered Humanity!
- If refound: Commence Collective Action: Rock/Roll!
- If refound: Let us continue the fight.
- If refound: You had me worried for a minute there.
- Looked like: Freedom Phalanx.
- Lt. Sefu Tendaji: You will not hold me here long.
- Fake Nemesis: They are merely cogs in the great machine of Nemesis.
- Good to see you guys. Let's find that General Dozi 'Edoes guy!!
- I got separated from Faultline and our guide. Let's find them.
- Once free: ... : Ready.
- Once free: C'mon. Let's get the others
- Once free: Lineage Motive: Barbarity! Slaughter!
- Once free: Reporting: Ready/Willing/Able.
- Phalanx = Attackers: Impossible.
- Rikti soldier: Trick Use: Negative
- /t Fusionette Okay, okay. Then howabout you pick the movie tonight?
- That was a close one.
- Thought Justification: Protecting Ourselves.
- Thousands: Dead. Lost: Everything Important.
- Was There: First Attack.