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- San Jose
- San Jose
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- frame|San Jose na mapie Kostaryki San José – stolica Kostaryki, położona w środkowej części kraju około 110 km od wybrzeża pacyficznego i 160 km od wybrzeża karaibskiego. Miasto leży w gęsto zaludnionej śródgórskiej kotlinie zwanej Mesetą Centralną, na wysokości około 1165 m n.p.m. San José jest też ośrodkiem administracyjnym prowincji San José. Miasto zamieszkuje 309,7 tys. mieszkańców (2000), a cały zespół miejski – 1040 tys. (1991).
- San Jose was an American city in northern California, located near Santa Clara. ("Day 2: 10:00pm-11:00pm") Teri Bauer's sister Carol lived in San Jose during Day 2. After learning there was a nuclear bomb threat in Los Angeles, Jack Bauer ordered Kim to go there and stay with her aunt, where she would be safe in case the bomb went off. ("Day 2: 10:00am-11:00am")
- San Jose is the captial city of Costa Rica. In Corruption, Harvey David and Julius Wright met up with Tina Gibson here before heading off to Isla Sorna.
- San Jose es la capital de Costa Rica.
- San Jose is the third largest city in California.
- San Josenight.png|San Jose at night IMG 1402-1-.PNG|San Jose at daytime San Jose is a city in , in . It has a population of 2 Million people and it is a .
- San José, is the third-largest city by population in California, the tenth-largest by population in the United States, and the county seat of Santa Clara County. San Jose is the largest city within the Bay Area and the largest city in Northern California.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none San Jose Real Name San Jose Job Titles Letterer First publication Unknown
- San Jose, also called San Josie, is an Amerikan suburb of ten million when you count illegal immigrants. Home of the amazingly successful dot-com start-up, the city's tech companies attract America's brightest technological minds except when they can get them from India. Visitors searching for something to do can indulge in a fresh glass of Natty Lite from the local Hooters and watch 50-year-old laid-off tech workers motorboat boobies half their age. Movie theaters have been outlawed in the city in favor of Netflix and illegal downloading.
- Home > List of rides > Costa Rica > San Jose Look up on Google / Wikipedia Deseamos transitar la ciudad sin ser atropellados/as, en compañía o solos/as, sin contribuir a la auto-destrucción ambiental, conscientemente, y aún más, disfrutándonos. ¿Qué realidad enfrentamos? La de un orden vehicular que amenaza con quebrarnos los huesos, que nos pudre los pulmones, y nos hace sentir aislados/as en un huracán de histeria, incomunicación y descomposicón social cotidiana. El movimiento llamado "tránsito", en Costa Rica, se ha transformado en una experiencia que preferimos pensar poco, y es mejor ni sentir. La actitud forzosa para sobrevivir en las calles es la de "todos contra todos". Reconocemos que la actitud normal evita cuestionar radicalmente el modo de relacionarnos espacialmente. Por eso
- Remember to add contacts on this article(page)by clicking edit above. Conversations(discussions)with representatives should be added to the discussion link above. Use subject line to list office and date contacted: ex. Mayor Reed March 17, 2008. City Mayor: Chuck Reed 200 East Santa Clara Street San José, CA 95113 tel. (408) 535-4800 fax (408) 292-6422 City Manager: Debra Figone tel. (408) 535-8100 fax (408) 920-7007 Pete Constant District 1 408-535-4901 Term Expires 12/31/10 Chief of Staff: J. Cogan's
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| - Silicon Valley, iJose, San Francisco Beta, Suburbia 4.0
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