Woodland Café is a Silly Symphonies animated Disney Short film. It was filmed in Technicolor and released in 1937. While it contained no on-screen credits, Wilfred Jackson was the director and Leigh Harline was the musical director.
Woodland Café is a Silly Symphonies animated Disney Short film. It was filmed in Technicolor and released in 1937. While it contained no on-screen credits, Wilfred Jackson was the director and Leigh Harline was the musical director.
"Woodland Café" is a Silly Symphony cartoon released in 1937.
thumb|250px Woodland Café es un cortometraje a color de Silly Symphonies.
Woodland Café is a Silly Symphonies animated Disney Short film. It was filmed in Technicolor and released in 1937. While it contained no on-screen credits, Wilfred Jackson was the director and Leigh Harline was the musical director.
"Woodland Café" is a Silly Symphony cartoon released in 1937.
thumb|250px Woodland Café es un cortometraje a color de Silly Symphonies.