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- Riga ia es fundida en la anio 1201 par la bispo deutx Albert von Buxhoeveden. La sentenio 20 ia trae la [[Gera Mundal Un] e la efetos de la Revolui Rusce de 1917 a Riga. La armada deutx ia marxa a Riga en 3 setembre 1917. A 3 marto 1918 on ia suscrive la Trata de Brest-Litovsk, donante la paises baltica a Deutxland. Riga es situada a la Mar Baltica e ave un porto grande. La rio Daugava flue tra la site.
- Riga is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Theocracy.
- Riga is the capital city of Latvia and the main industrial, transaction, culture, sports and financial city in the Baltic states, with nearly 700 000 inhabitants (2012). Riga is famous with its Old town (Old Riga), which is significant with its Art Nouveau architecture and is one of UNESCO world heritage sites.
- Riga is the capital city of Latvia and where the Nod government was located in their own hideout. After the Global Defense Initiative came to Latvia, they placed Helipads on the country where A-10 ground support planes came to land after the country was recovered.
- miniatur| Das Wappen von Riga Die Hansestadt Riga ist die Hauptstadt von Lettland. Sie grenzt an die Verwaltungsbezirke Carnikava, Garkalne, Stopiņi, Salaspils, Ķekava, Olaine, Mārupe, Babīte und Jūrmala. Riga ist in drei Stadtbezirke und drei Vorstädte mit zahlreichen Stadtteilen gegliedert.
- Riga is a slender black tom.
- Riga était un Monéen dans les années 2370.
- Riga ë la kapitá'e Letonia.
- The flag of Riga.
- The re-emergence of magic has the populace of the Four Lands terrified, and an organization called The Crimson is hunting down magic users, using fear and intimidation to sow discord among the races. After watching his people slaughtered in the Third War of the Races and then fighting the Dagda Mor and his horde of Demons, Riga became convinced that the source of all problems in the Four Lands was neither good nor evil but magic itself. Thereafter, he became leader of The Crimson.
- thumb|Riga (2375) Riga ist ein moneanischer Wissenschaftler. Als 2375 die USS Voyager auf die Moneanische Wasserwelt trifft, ist diese im Begriff, ihre Eindämmung zu verlieren. Die Sauerstoffraffinerie der Moneaner verursacht bei der Struktur, die für die Erhaltung der Schwerkraft ihrer Heimatwelt verantwortlich ist, starke Schäden. Da Appelle an die moneanische Regierung erfolglos bleiben, beschließen er und Tom Paris, die Raffinerie zu sabotieren, was aber durch das Eingreifen der Voyager verhindert wird. (VOY: ) Riga wurde von Willie Garson gespielt und von Bernhard Völger synchronisiert.
- the capital of Latvia
- Riga is a town of the Kingdom of Sweden. The hero Priest Spasokukotsky was a priest under the bishop of Riga before his defrocking and excommunication.
- Rigaday.png|Riga at daytime Riganight.png|Riga at night Riga is a city in , in . It has a population of 1.03 Million people and it is a .
- Riga is the capital of Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea coast, on the mouth of the Daugava river. Riga is home to 727,578 persons.
- 2 Centrāltirgus ↔ Tapešu iela 3 Jugla ↔ Tirdzniecības centrs „Dole“ 4 Centrāltirgus ↔ Imanta 5 Iļģuciems ↔ Mīlgrāvis 6 Stacijas laukums ↔ Jugla 7 Ausekļa iela ↔ Tirdzniecības centrs „Dole“ 9 Aldaris ↔ Tirdzniecības centrs „Dole“ 10 Centrāltirgus ↔ Bišumuiža 11 Stacijas laukums ↔ Mežaparks
- Riga was a 24th century Monean scientist, living on The Waters. When USS Voyager visited this planetoid in 2375, Riga joined Deputy Consul Burkus to visit Voyager, where he revealed their ocean was losing containment. Riga then accompanied Tom Paris and Harry Kim aboard the Delta Flyer to travel to the planetoid's center, where they discovered that the Moneans themselves were responsible for the containment loss by using several oxygen refineries. Riga recommended to take several refineries offline and was asked to write a full report for the subcommittees on agriculture and life support, but did not believe the Monean authorities would follow his suggestions. He and Paris then tried to destroy such a refinery with the Delta Flyer, but were stopped by Voyager. (VOY: "Thirty Days")
- Una riga è come questa qua sotto Una riga è formata da miliardi di puntini messi uno dopo l'altro, ogni puntino però ha una propria personalità, non è semplicemente uno tra tanti. Ci sono diversi tipi di riga: Riga è anche una città, ma né io né gli abitanti sappiamo dov'è.