When editing or creating an article, please be sure to make omissions explicit. WWWiki's ultimate goal is completeness — so make it obvious when there's something missing from an article. You can do this by including a note at the bottom of the page, or including a message in HTML comments, or by posting a warning on the article's talk page, or simply adding {{cn}} that will show this: [citation needed]. See also: Contribute what you know or are willing to learn about -- the two suggestions complement each other.
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| - White Wolf:Make omissions explicit
| - When editing or creating an article, please be sure to make omissions explicit. WWWiki's ultimate goal is completeness — so make it obvious when there's something missing from an article. You can do this by including a note at the bottom of the page, or including a message in HTML comments, or by posting a warning on the article's talk page, or simply adding {{cn}} that will show this: [citation needed]. See also: Contribute what you know or are willing to learn about -- the two suggestions complement each other.
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| - When editing or creating an article, please be sure to make omissions explicit. WWWiki's ultimate goal is completeness — so make it obvious when there's something missing from an article. You can do this by including a note at the bottom of the page, or including a message in HTML comments, or by posting a warning on the article's talk page, or simply adding {{cn}} that will show this: [citation needed]. There are two reasons why it's important to leave notices: first, it informs other readers that they're not getting all of the information available on the subject when they read that article. That's crucial so we don't leave people confused about the omissions. But second, and perhaps more importantly, it encourages people to contribute by showing a gap that needs to be filled — perhaps a gap that they have special knowledge of and can fill themselves. Don't feel bad if you can't completely cover every part of a topic yourself. WWWiki is a collaborative project — there's always going to be someone else who can finish your work. (Don't take this as an excuse for procrastination, though!) See also: Contribute what you know or are willing to learn about -- the two suggestions complement each other.