| - Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur from Terror of Mechagodzilla. He lives in the Pacific Ocean. He is not evil because he was being controlled by the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens.
- Titanosaurus is an aquatic dinosaur monster and the secondary antagonist in Terror of Mechagodzilla.
- thumb|right Der Titanosaurus ist ein Seeungeheuer, welches schon seit prähistorischen Zeiten auf der Erde lebt.
- Titanosaurus are estimated to have grown up to 9–12 metres (30–40 ft) long and about 13 tons in weight. Titanosaurus has traditionally been treated as a "wastebin taxon" for poorly preserved sauropod remains that demonstrate a distinctive vertebrae anatomy. The original Titanosaurus remains consist only of limb bones and a few vertebrae that have these characteristics. However, discoveries of more and better-preserved titanosaur species have shown that these once distinctive features are in fact widespread across many genera. Therefore, Titanosaurus itself is considered a nomen dubium ("dubious name") by most paleontologists, since the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.
- Titanosaurus resembles a gigantic bipedal dinosaurian creature with warty red flesh and fins on his neck, back, and tail. Titanosaurus is 60 meters tall, 100 meters long, and weighs 30,000 tons.
- thumb|400px|Titanosaurus El Titanosaurus se descubrío en India y luego se encontraron restos en Hungría y Argentina. Era un herbívoro del tamaño de una red de tenis, y se defendía con las garras de las patas traseras y la cola en forma de látigo. Como el Saltasaurus, el Titanosaurus probablemente tenía placas óseas en el lomo y rastrillaba las hojas de los árboles con sus dientes como tachuelas. Significa reptil titánico. Categoría:Reptiles Categoría:Dinosaurios Categoría:Saurisquios Categoría:Saurópodos Categoría:Titanosaurios Categoría:Fauna del Cretácico
- Despite being a famous dinosaur, the original Titanosaurus fossils are so fragmented as to be indistinguishable from most other titanosaurians, leaving the dinosaur a dubious animal, and some of its better known species to be reassigned as separate animals.
- Titanosaurus is estimated to have grown up to 9.1–12.1 metres (30–40 ft) long and up to approximately 13 tons in weight. Wilson and Upchurch (2003) treated Titanosaurus as a nomen dubium ("dubious name") because they noted that the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related animals.