R2-X2 was the R2-series astromech droid used by Theron Nett, known as "Red Ten," during the Battle of Yavin. He was destroyed when Nett's X-wing starfighter was shot down.
R2-X2 was een R2 Astromech Droid die in 0 BBY meevocht in de Battle of Yavin. R2-X2 was wit en zwart van kleur en was eveneens aanwezig tijdens de briefing in de Great Massassi Temple. Tijdens het gevecht nam R2-X2 plaats in Red 10 van Theron Nett. Het was niet geweten of Extoo eigendom was van Nett of van de Rebel Alliance. R2-X2 was een typische R2 Astromech Droid die het gevecht echter niet overleefde.
R2-X2 — сборная минифигурка-деталь из серии Star Wars, которая появилась только в наборе 75032 Истребитель X-Wing и выпущенная в 2013 году.
R2-X2 was the R2-series astromech droid used by Theron Nett, known as "Red Ten," during the Battle of Yavin. He was destroyed when Nett's X-wing starfighter was shot down.
R2-X2 was a feminine-programmed purple astromech droid, that was made and found by Han Solo after he traveled with Luke Skywalker. R2-X2 helped R2-D2 whenever he would blast a clone. He was sent to Luke after R2-D2 had gone with Han Solo. After that mission, R2-X2 returned to Han Solo until someone came back to take him back to Luke. Then, the droid was captured and rescued by R2-D2 and C-3PO on Dagobah.