The Turbo boosters were Isaac Sumdac's inventions, used as speed upgrades for Bumblebee which he sometimes uses to catch faster characters. They seem to match Bumblebee colour scheme even though they were not particularly made for Bumblebee. At first, the Turbo boosters were hard to use for Bumblebee (because he couldn't stop them in vehicle mode) but Bumblebee seemed to get the hang of them and was almost able to out-race Blurr with them.
Attributes | Values |
| - Turbo Booster
- Turbo Booster
| - The Turbo boosters were Isaac Sumdac's inventions, used as speed upgrades for Bumblebee which he sometimes uses to catch faster characters. They seem to match Bumblebee colour scheme even though they were not particularly made for Bumblebee. At first, the Turbo boosters were hard to use for Bumblebee (because he couldn't stop them in vehicle mode) but Bumblebee seemed to get the hang of them and was almost able to out-race Blurr with them.
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es lore
| - Si este turno Invocaste a un monstruo de Modo Normal, puedes Invocar de Modo Especial esta carta de tu Mano. Puedes Sacrificar a esta carta para destruir 1 monstruo que controle tu adversario que este turno haya batallado contra uno de tus monstruos.
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - 自分がモンスターの召喚に成功したターン、このカードは手札から特殊召喚できる。また、このカードをリリースして発動できる。このターン自分のモンスターと戦闘を行った相手モンスター1体を選択して破壊する。
it lore
| - Se hai Evocato tramite Evocazione Normale un mostro in questo turno, puoi Evocare tramite Evocazione Speciale questa carta dalla tua mano. Puoi offrire come Tributo questa carta per distruggere 1 mostro controllato dal tuo avversario che ha combattuto con uno dei tuoi mostri in questo turno.
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| - If you have Normal Summoned a monster this turn, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can Tribute this card to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls that battled one of your monsters this turn.
pt lore
| - Se você Normal Summoned um monstro neste turno, você pode Special Summon esta carta da sua mão. Você pode Tributar esta carta para destruir 1 monstro do seu oponente que batalhou com um dos seus monstros neste turno.
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trans name
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| - Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards
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ko lore
| - 자신이 몬스터의 소환에 성공한 턴, 이 카드를 로부터 특수 소환할 수 있다. 이 카드를 릴리스 하는 일로, 이 턴 자신의 몬스터와 전투를 실시한 상대 몬스터 1장을 파괴한다.
de lore
| - Falls du in diesem Spielzug ein Monster als Normalbeschwörung beschworen hast, kannst du diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand beschwören. Du kannst diese Karte als Tribut anieten, um 1 Monster zu zerstören, das dein Gegner kontrolliert, das in diesem Spielzug mit einem deiner Monster gekämpft hat.
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fr lore
| - Si vous avez Invoqué Normalement un monstre pendant ce tour, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement cette carte depuis votre main. Vous pouvez Sacrifier cette carte pour détruire 1 monstre contrôlé par votre adversaire qui a combattu un des vos monstres ce tour.
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effect types
| - Summoning condition, Ignition
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| - Special Summons itself from your hand
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