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Required Resampler:
fresamp, or bkh01
Mark is a very nice, very polite, and, possibly, a sexy-looking guy. He can be a bit of a narcissist, but he cares about other people more than himself. An example of his narcissist nature is when he looks at a mirror reflection of himself while shirtless and gets turned on by his body, but, as said before, he cares more about others than himself. He can act a bit like a tsundere at times, but it mostly happens with HIkaru when he says something about Mark that he finds very embarassing. Mark bonks anyone the head, mostly Hikaru, and says "Shut up" if he goes into tsundere mode. There are also times where he has a hard time controlling his temper, but, overall, he keeps his cool. He's a bit of the leader type because some of his ideas work. He likes to sing, but he doesn't like the sound of his voice. He thinks that his voice makes him feel like he's a girl in a guy's body. Over the years, he's been getting used to how he sounds, but he hopes that soon enough, he will definitly sound a lot like a normal guy. He also has aura conjuring abilities allowing him to summon, or create, just about anything. When he wants to use his abilites, he has to "break his contract" by focusing his mind hard enough to the point of unlocking a portion of his brain that uses his ability. Once he completes his "contract breaking" his eyes change color to a Cyan-ish blue and start to glow. At the same time when his eyes are glowing and changing color, a star with a diamond in the middle of the star appears on his hand and he can use his powers. Also forgot to mention this, he's bisexual.
Physical Appearance:
A semi-athletic body
Japanese American
Eye Color: Pure blue
Hair color:
Cyan blue heaphones, with two small teal lights and one big blue light
A green shirt with a opened black button shirt with cyan-blue markings on it with an emblem that has angel wings with a cyan-blue circle behind it, as well as some blue jeans, and red shoes with white and black markings on it.
CV ACT 1.1 Voicebank Download:マーク・ロバーツ|media =|related = Hikaru Kibou
Niki Sekiken
Mari Kuroshoubi