| - Chancellor is the title of the Master at the University who seems to be the first among peers. The Chancellor presides over all gatherings of the Masters and maintains order during official proceedings. It is unknown how the Chancellor is chosen. Arthur Herma held this position, in addition to Master Linguist, during Kvothe's first five attending semesters.
- The Chancellor was the head of state of the Galactic Systems Confederation following the dissolution of the Galactic Alliance after the Great Civil War.
- Chancellor is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a Toad elder with green spots. In Super Mario RPG, he takes Peach's place after she has been kidnapped. He gives Mario a map of Mario World at the beginning of the game and rights to use the Mushroom's Castle vault. He is a coward, like most Toads.
- Chancellor is an advisor of Princess Peach in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars who appears to have green clothes with green spots on his mushroom. He gives Mario the Mushroom Kingdom map at the beginning of the game. Like Toadsworth, he is overprotective over Princess Peach, which he didn't let her join Mario to fight Smithy. Chancellor also has a fear of many things like most Toads and can be forgetful sometimes. Two similar characters, Toad Minister and Toadsworth later appear in Paper Mario and Super Mario Sunshine respectively.
- Chancellor ist ein Charakter aus Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Er ist, im Grunde genommen, nur der Vorgänger von Toadsworth, da er einen ähnlichen Charakter besitzt und Kanzler des Pilzkönigreichs ist (bzw. war). Er ist ein grüner Toad und trägt einen schwarzen Schnauzbart. Er und Toadsworth könnten, da sie sich sehr ähnlich sind, auch ein und dieselbe Person sein.
- The Chancellor or more formally the Chancellor of Meridian was a title used by the leader of the city of Meridian in Blood Omen 2 and Nosgoth. The title was first heard in Blood Omen 2 as Kain passed through the Lower City in In Darkness We Gather as Kain passed a lady attempting to gain access to the Sarafan Keep to pay her debts. It was unclear in these circumstances whether the title referred to the Sarafan Lord or another person. The title was once again referenced in the backstory for Nosgoth where the title was used for the leader of Meridian and one Chancellor, Speyr, was named.
- He is the one who helps King Allfire write the Code of Chivalry. Like him, he gets annoyed when Allfire accidentally calls in Cinder and Clinker as the jesters. In Excaliburn, when Allfire seemingly lost his right to rule, the Chancellor and the dragon knights all competed for the throne, until Allfire pulled Excaliburn from the stone again. His third and final appearance was in Sir Hare. He did not appear in Season 2, and his role with the Code of Chivalry is replaced by Princess Flame.
- Chancellor is a civilian guard at Butcher Bay Correctional Facility guard section. He noticed Riddick carrying booze, that he got from Jenkins earlier, and made him an offer to buy it, for 50 UD. When Riddick decided to sell it, he seemed relieved and told Riddick how Butcher Bay sucks the life out of you. He had four inmates hang themselves during his watch in ten days. He also gives a pack of cigarettes as an extra payment.
- The Chancellor (宰相チャンセラー Chanserā) is a combat magical class that is unique to Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The personal class of Sephiran, the Chancellor class is aptly named after his position as the chancellor of Begnion. Functioning in a fashion that is very similar to the Saint class, the Chancellor class is armed with Light Magic, Dark Magic and Staves as its equipment of choice.
- The chancellor is of the earliest described unorthodox pieces and have gone throughout the last century and a half with a number of various names. The piece do make appearance in many fairy chess variants, for instance the more popular Capablanca Chess and Gothic Chess respectively.
- The Chancellor is the person that runs the CV. They take care of things such as the Convergence Vault, Recruiting, and can also abandon territories in the PvP islands.
- The Chancellor is a confidant of the royal family in Chrono Trigger. There are two Chancellors in the game, one in the Middle Ages and one in the Present.
- A Dara Happan official title
* Created by Raibmesha
* The official was in charge of the government. Source: Fortunate Succession
- Chancellor is a title used by some planets for the head of government. Planets lead by chancellors include Andoria, Malcor III, Ka'al, and Qo'noS. (ENT: "The Aenar"; TNG: "First Contact"; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) From 2379 to 2382, Ar'kon was the chancellor of the So'ja Coalition, whose capital is located on the planet of Ka'al. (Star Trek: Pioneer: "The Removal, Part 2", "Torment and Woe") See also: Klingon chancellor
- The Atora Region Chancellor (Japanese: ミニスター Minister), normally referred to as simply Chancellor or Atora Chancellor, is one of the highest known level of ranks for a Pokémon Trainer, alongside Champion. In Pokémon Sun & Moon, the player as Champion overthrows Chancellor Theodore III, selecting Ray to be the next Chancellor.
- In an alternate timeline, Adolf Hitler was the chancellor and Führer of Nazi Germany in 1944. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In the real world, Hitler became Reichskanzler (chancellor) of Germany in 1933 and in 1934 had the offices of Reichskanzler and Reichspräsident (president) united in his person. He was officially referred to as "Führer und Reichskanzler" until 1939 when his official designation was changed to simply "Der Führer". The existence of an Ekosian Chancellery in TOS: "Patterns of Force" indicated that John Gill at some point used a similar model in leading the Ekosians. Onscreen, Gill was only referred to as Führer.