| - (Opens up on Queen Delightful announcing the end of winter) Delightful: Citizens of Jollywood, we are gathered together on this... beautiful morning in the hope that today is the day Jollywood Joe, the Spring chicken, finally comes down from his perch on Mount Jollywood, sits on top of the castle at sunrise, and ends winter with his magical clucks. Ooh! There it is! Sunrise! Jollywood Citizens: Ooh! Delightful: And so, as the sun rises, we welcome Jollywood Joe, the Spring Chicken! (Starchbottom blows the trumpet) Delightful: The Spring Chicken, Jollywood Joe! (Starchy blows the trumpet weakly) Delightful: Joe the chicken! (Starchy blows the trumpet) Delightful: Joe? (Joe is still not coming) Well... I guess he's not coming today. Jollywood Citizens: Aww. Delightful: But don't worry. There's always tomorrow. Male Citizen: That's what you said yesterday. And the day before that. Female Citizen: When is he coming? Jollywood Citizens: Yeah, when? Yeah, when? When? When? When? When? (cut to the inside of Queen Delightful's castle) Delightful: Lord Starchbottom, whatever are we going to do? Starchbottom: (muffled) I know. It gets colder every day. Soon, the whole kingdom will be frozen. (gets the trumpet off his mouth) Delightful: When will this Winter end? (a cloud of smoke appears at the Queen's throne to reveal the Glooms) Hildy and Grim: Never. Delightful and Starchy: (gasps) Starchbottom: The Glooms. What are you doing here? Hildy: I just couldn't wait another minute to see how the new wallpaper looks. Grim: Huh? Huh? Nice? Hildy: Squee! I knew plaid was perfect. It's scrumptious, Grim. We're redecorating the whole castle. Plaid wallpaper, plaid carpets... plaid throne. Delightful and Starchy: (gasps) Hildy: You can't expect us to move into a castle that looks like this. Delightful and Starchy: Move in?! Hildy: This nasty winter is thanks to a little spell Grim and I whipped up. Soon it'll be so cold, you'll all be forced to move away from Jollywood. Leaving the kingdom and its castle... To us. (Hildy and Grim make nasty kissy noises) Delightful: (gasps) How dare you make kissy noises on my throne?! Starchbottom: And nobody is moving away from Jollywood! Delightful: It'll be spring soon, you'll see. Hildy: Afraid not. Grim: Yeah. Our spell is a real good one. If spring doesn't start by sunrise tomorrow, it'll be winter in Jollywood... Hildy: Forever. Ta-ta. Hildy and Grim: (laughs) Starchbottom: Huh. Delightful: I know. I'll call The 7D. (the Bing-Bong Bell rings very loudly outside Delightful's castle) (cut to a conversation between Queen Delightful, Starchy, and The 7D) Sleepy: That's awful. Sneezy: The nerve! Doc: Outrageous. Bashful: Those skeevy Glooms. Grumpy: They made kissy noises? Delightful: I know, right? On my very own throne. (The 7D talk disgusted) Starchbottom: Uh, don't forget about the other thing, Your Majesty. Delightful: Oh, right. (looks surprised) What other thing? Starchbottom: The Glooms' spell. Delightful: Oh, right. What spell? Starchbottom: Unless spring starts by sunrise tomorrow, it'll be winter in Jollywood forever! Sneezy: (while sneezing) Ou-outrageous! Bashful: Those skeevy Glooms. Grumpy: Kissy noises? Delightful: I know, right? Doc: Hmm. Sunrise tomorrow. That doesn't give us much time. And since Jollywood Joe is the only one who can start spring with his magical chicken clucks... (Dopey clucks) Right, Dopey, we're going to have to climb up to his perch on top of Mount Jollywood and find him. C'mon, fellas, we got a kingdom to save. Dwarfs: Hi-ho! (The 7D get prepared for their mission) Grumpy: Kissy noises? Delightful: I know, right? (cut to the mountains) Doc: Make sure the safety rope is secure around your waists. I don't want to lose anyone up there. It's gonna be treacherous. Happy: Ooh-hoo! Treacherous! Oh, that sounds dangerous! And exciting! Grumpy: Does he have to be behind me? Doc: I've modified this hourglass to run out precisely at sunrise. We have to find Jollywood Joe and get him back to the castle so he can cluck before the sand runs out. Dopey, move 'em out. Dopey: (neighs) Doc: Whoa! (cut to The 7D walking up the Mount Jollywood) Grumpy: Ohh, this backpack weighs a ton. Whaddya got in these? Doc: Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Never know what we'll need. Expect the unexpected; that's my motto. Grumpy: My achin' back; that's mine. Bashful: Gosh, that sure is a long way up. Sneezy: This is gonna take forever. Happy: Oh, no, it won't. I'll sing us a climbing song to make the time go by quicker. Grumpy: No, that's okay. You don't have... Happy: (plays notes) Grumpy: Ohh... (Song: "Upity Up") Happy: ♪ Oh, upity up, upity up ♪ ♪ Up, up, up, up, upity up ♪ ♪ Upity up, up, up, up, up, up ♪ Harmonica solo! (plays notes) Grumpy: Does he have to be behind me?! (song ends) (Song: "Sliddity Slide") Happy: ♪ Sliddity slide, sliddity slide ♪ ♪ Slide, slide, slide, slide, sliddity slide ♪ ♪ Sliddity slide, sliddity slide... ♪ Aah! (trips over) I'm okay! (song ends) (cut to The 7D on a tightrope) (Song: "Over the Rope") Happy: ♪ Over the rope, over the rope, ♪ ♪ Over, over, over the rope ♪ ♪ Over the rope, over, over, over ♪ (song ends) (Song: "Climbety Climb") Happy:♪ Climbety climb, climbety climb ♪ ♪ Climb, climb, climb, climb, climbety climb ♪ ♪ Climbety climb, climb, climb climb, ♪ (song ends) (Song: "Upity Up", final time) Happy:♪ Upity up, upity up ♪ ♪ Up, up, up, up, upity up ♪ ♪ Upity up, upity up ♪ ♪ Upity up ♪ See? We made it! (song ends) Bashful: You were right, Happy. That song made the climb go a whole lot faster. Grumpy: What are you? Five? Doc: According to this map, Jollywood Joe's perch should be just over there. Sleepy: Hey, guys. When are we gonna start climbing up the mountain? Sneezy: (gasps) Oh no! Bashful: There's the perch. Grumpy: But there's no Jollywood Joe! Dopey: (whistles) Sneezy: It's chicken feed in the shape of The Glooms. They're grabbing a chicken. Doc: Jollywood Joe must've left it as a clue. You know what this means? Happy: Yeah. That is one talented chicken. Grumpy: It means The Glooms have chicken-napped Jollywood Joe. To stop him from starting spring. Doc: And if we don't find him in the next few hours, Jollywood is doomed. Bashful: But where'd they take 'im? (cut to the other part of the mountains) Hildy: Ha ha ha! Don't worry, Joe. I'll release you from the ice... Right after sunrise, when your magical clucks will be useless against our eternal Winter. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Grim comes in) Grim, what are you doing? Grim: I'm keeping an eye out in case somebody tries to rescue him. Hildy: Rescue him? They don't even know we have him. And even if they did, how are they going to find us? What do you think they have? A chicken detector? (cut to The 7D) Doc: (digging out of the bag) Tweezers, cake mix... Ah, here it is. (he has a chicken detector, even after Hildy says that they would never have a chicken detector) Chicken detector. Grumpy: You have a chicken detector? Doc: Actually, it's a squirrel detector that I've modified to detect chickens. If there's a chicken within ten miles, we'll find it. (chicken detector whirs; makes a cluck sound) Doc: This way! It's nearby! Bring the cake mix. Grumpy: What for? Doc: You never know. (chuckles) Grumpy: Oh boy. (cut to another part of the mountains) Doc: They must have Joe in there. Grumpy: Then, let's go get 'im. Doc: No. We can't just barge in. We'll lose the element of surprise. We'll go in the other way. Grumpy: It's a cave. What other way is there? (Doc brings out his mining equipment) Oh. That other way. (cut to Hildy and Grim) Hildy: Don't you just love this plaid wallpaper? How perfect is that going to be in the castle? Grim: Absolutely perfect, my little Hildy-Wildy. Hildy: Just think, Grimmy. In a few hours, Jollywood will be all ours. We'll have that great, big castle all to ourselves! Me and my putrid little pumpkin-head. Grim: Oh, my wittle Wickedy-Witch. Hildy: My hunk of horrors. Grim: My conniving cutie. Hildy: My diabolical dweam-boat. Grim: My gorgeous goblin. Hildy: My detestable darling. Grim: My malevolent moonbeam. Hildy: My spooby-wooby chum-chum-loopy doopsie-woopsie-head. Grim: My zoo-zoo squeezy-weezy binky-winky-dinky-face. Hildy: Who's Hildy's little hubby? Who is he? Who? Grim: Ooh! Grimmy's Hildy's little hubby. Yes he is. She knows who. (Hildy and Grim make nasty kissy noises again and Grumpy gets even more frustrated) Grumpy: Would you knock it off?! How's a fella supposed to escape with you making those disgusting kissy noises? Blech! (he realizes that he ruined the surprise) Oops. Hildy: (gasps) They have Joe! Grumpy: Uh-oh. Grim: Stop 'em! (Grumpy throws cake mix and Hildy and Grim) Grim: Oh! A bundt cake! (cut back to The 7D) Grumpy: Hey, Doc, you were right. That cake mix did come in handy. Well, what are we waitin' for? Let's climb down. Doc: There's no time. Only a few minutes before sunrise. We're gonna have to take the fast way down. Grumpy: You carried a sled all the way up here? Doc: No, you did. Hold on, everyone. This is gonna be fast! (laughs) Dwarfs: (screams) (Song: "Fastity Fast") Happy: ♪Oh, fastity fast, fastity fast ♪ ♪ Fast, fast, fast, fast, fastity fast... ♪ Grumpy: Does he have to be behind me?! (song ends) (cut to The Glooms. They're disgusted of the cake mix so they cough. They ride on their magic brooms.) Hildy: Don't let them get away, Grim! Grim: Yes, ma'am! (cut back to The 7D) Grumpy: How's Joe supposed to cluck if he's all frozen? Doc: Dopey, there's a container of hot cocoa behind your seat. Start pouring it over the ice and melt Joe out of there. Dopey: (whistles) Bashful: Wow, Doc, you thought of everything. Doc: I didn't think of that. (The Glooms are coming) Bashful: Think you can go any faster, Doc? Doc: Oh, yeah. Dwarfs: (screams) (Hildy attempts to freeze Jollywood Joe) Grumpy: You can do it, Dopey. Go! Go! Sneezy: Hey, Glooms! Catch! (he knocks The Glooms out with snowballs) Hildy: (sobbing) Bashful: Uh-oh, it's getting brighter. Doc: Only a few seconds to sunrise. It's up to you, Dopey! (Joe clucks) Dopey: (whistles and flings Jollywood Joe up into the air) Doc: Five, four, three, two, one! (Jollywood Joe clucks to end Winter) Jollywood Citizens: Spring! Spring! Delightful: It's spring! It's spring! Starchbottom: They did it! Dwarfs: Yip-yip-hooray! Thanks, Joe! Dopey: (whistles) Jollywood Citizens: Hooray! (Jollywood Joe clucks) (cut to Hildy and Grim) Hildy: It looked a lot better in the castle. Grim: Ah, it's a little too purpley. (wallpaper comes off) Hildy: (groans) (screen zooms to black)