Aliens: Theory of Alien Propagation, originally titled Aliens, is a comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the anthology series Dark Horse Presents, Vol. 1 #24, in November 1988. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Mark Verheiden and Mark A. Nelson, illustrated, inked and lettered by Nelson and edited by Randy Stradley. The issue of Dark Horse Presents also featured Aliens cover art by Nelson. The comic serves as a tie-in to the six-issue series Aliens: Outbreak, produced by the same creative team.
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| - Aliens: Theory of Alien Propagation, originally titled Aliens, is a comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the anthology series Dark Horse Presents, Vol. 1 #24, in November 1988. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Mark Verheiden and Mark A. Nelson, illustrated, inked and lettered by Nelson and edited by Randy Stradley. The issue of Dark Horse Presents also featured Aliens cover art by Nelson. The comic serves as a tie-in to the six-issue series Aliens: Outbreak, produced by the same creative team.
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| - Aliens: Theory of Alien Propagation, originally titled Aliens, is a comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the anthology series Dark Horse Presents, Vol. 1 #24, in November 1988. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Mark Verheiden and Mark A. Nelson, illustrated, inked and lettered by Nelson and edited by Randy Stradley. The issue of Dark Horse Presents also featured Aliens cover art by Nelson. The comic serves as a tie-in to the six-issue series Aliens: Outbreak, produced by the same creative team. In the Aliens comics line, Aliens: Theory of Alien Propagation was published concurrently with Aliens: Outbreak, and was followed by Aliens: Nightmare Asylum.
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