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- Ghana (amtl. Republik Ghana) ist ein westafrikanischer Staat auf präsidentieller Ebene, der aus zehn Regionen gebildet wird. Die Hauptstadt ist Accra. Gemäß ihrer Verfassung versteht sich Ghana als eine Rechtsstaatliche Demokratie. Ghana grenzt an den 3 Staaten Elfenbeinküste, Burkina Faso und Togo. Sie ist unter anderem Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen, der Afrikanischen Union und dem Commonwealth of Nations.
- Le Ghana est un pays d'Afrique. Avant il appartenait à l'Angleterre mais ça s'est pas trop bien passé. Maintenant ils s'appartiennent à eux-même et c'est beaucoup mieux ainsi.
- "I wasted my days climbing water spouts, while Anansi founded a nation." - Itsy-Bitsy Spider Ghana is an isolationist nation in Africa.
- Ghana is a Christian-majority country, 68.8% of the population are Christians, predominantly Presbyterians, Methodists and Roman Catholics. Islam, predominantly Sunni, is the religion of 15.9% of the population and traditional African religions are followed by 8.5% of Ghana's people. Less than 0.1% of Ghana's inhabitants are Buddhists. Christmas and Easter are national holidays in Ghana and have consequently become popular times for both Christians and non-Christians alike to travel to see their families.
- Ghana (Republika Ghany, ang. Republic of Ghana) – państwo w zachodniej Afryce nad Oceanem Atlantyckim. Graniczy z Togo, Burkina Faso i Wybrzeżem Kości Słoniowej. Nazwa kraju w języku Asante oznacza "Król - Wojownik". Pochodzi od przedkolonialnego, średniowiecznego Imperium Ghany, które jednak rozciągało się na terenach dzisiejszego Mali i Mauretanii. Handel z Europejczykami został po raz pierwszy nawiązany już w XV w., natomiast przedkolonialne królestwo Aszanti zachowało niepodległość aż do roku 1870, w którym to zostało skolonizowane przez Wielką Brytanię. Niepodległość odzyskała w roku 1957.
- Ghana (i/ˈɡɑːnə/), officially the Republic of Ghana, is a sovereign state located on the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean in West Africa. It is bordered by the Ivory Coast to the west, Burkina Faso to the north, Togo to the east and the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean to the south. The word Ghana means "Warrior King". More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
- Ghana ist ein Land inAfrika. Es ist dort meist sehr warm und doch leben in diesem Staat viele Menschen. Deren Amtssprache ist Englisch, obwohl es keiner kann. Dennoch ist Ghana ist ganz netter Staat frei von Diktatur, Korruption, Bürgerkrieg oder ähnlichem. Bundespräsident ist Baarack Obaama, die Vize-Präsidentin Tugu Ananda. Früher war Ghana viel größer als heute, aber nachdem sich Upper West, Upper East und Brong-Ahafo von Ghana abspalteten und sich für unabhängig erklärten, ist Ghana nur noch halb so groß wie vorher. Doch das macht den Menschen im restlichen Ghana nichts aus, denn sie spüren auch viel Lebenslust, manchmal zu viel. Bekanntester Ghanaer ist Asamoah. Kategorie:Geographie Kategorie:Staat
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* Ghana Review
- Ghana is a country of Africa.
- The flag of Ghana consists of three equal horizontal bands of red (top), yellow, and green with a large black five-pointed star centred in the yellow band. The flag is similar to the flag of Bolivia, which has a coat of arms centred in the yellow band.
- Ghana is one of the many locations visited in the Tomb Raider series. It has one level in it:
- Formed from the merger of the British colony of the Gold Coast and the Togoland trust territory, Ghana in 1957 became the first sub-Saharan country in colonial Africa to gain its independence. Ghana endured a long series of coups before Lt. Jerry RAWLINGS took power in 1981 and banned political parties. After approving a new constitution and restoring multiparty politics in 1992, RAWLINGS won presidential elections in 1992 and 1996, but was constitutionally prevented from running for a third term in 2000. John KUFUOR succeeded him and was reelected in 2004. John Atta MILLS took over as head of state in early 2009.
- Ghana is a country in West Africa. Accra is the capital and the largest city. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played. Bill Levene, who currently plays for the Cardiff Redhawks was born in Teshie .
- Ghana is a small African nation located in the north eastern side of Africa. Ghana has almost all natural resources at hand in small amounts, however is extraordinarily underdeveloped politically, economically, and militarily, it is suggested that if you play as Ghana to conquer with caution.
- The territory of present-day Ghana has been inhabited for millennia, with the first permanent state dating back to the 11th century. Numerous kingdoms and empires emerged over the centuries, of which the most powerful was the Kingdom of Ashanti. Beginning in the 15th century, numerous European powers contested the area for trading rights, with the British ultimately establishing control of the coast by the late 19th century. Following over a century of native resistance, Ghana's current borders were established by the 1900s as the British Gold Coast. In 1957, it became the first sub-Saharan African nation to declare independence from European rule.
- Ghana is a west Highsun ethel on the Atlantish shore. The word 'Ghana' means "warrior king" and was formerly the land of anwealds and kingdoms. Akan is a cwide-rich tung, which is hedged as a token of wisdom. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
- Ghana was a coastal country in western Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Its neighbors included Togo to the east. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am")
- Ghana, officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country in western Africa bordering the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north and Togo in the east. Its capital is Kumasi.
- Ghana is a west African Country with a population just under 26 Million. Ghana is bordered by Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and Togo. Ghana also has a coast by the Atlantic Ocean. Ghana is a Democracy and stable by regional standards. Ghana also has better administration than most nations in the region as well as oil and mineral wealth. Ghana's economy is growing rapidly and poverty has been reduced.
- A number of Ghanaians have indicated interest in solar cooking, with requests for information from universities and non-governmental organizations. As far back as the early 1990s, a faculty member at the University of Kumasi, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Dr. A.K.Dzizi, was providing cooking demonstrations and instructions. A leading women's group, the 31st December Women's Movement, has taken a specific interest in the technology, as reported at the Varese conference. The movement was encouraging women to take up farming ventures, and in addition to add value to their products for the export market. Hence, both solar cooking and solar drying were considered as important possibilities. Much of Ghana's electricity generation is hydroelectric, and has proven to be problematic in ti