"Batman: Reborn" is a comic book story arc first published in the late 2000s. It ran through numerous titles, they were Batgirl, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman: Streets of Gotham, Detective Comics, Gotham City Sirens, Outsiders and Red Robin, it was published in 2009.
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| - "Batman: Reborn" is a comic book story arc first published in the late 2000s. It ran through numerous titles, they were Batgirl, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman: Streets of Gotham, Detective Comics, Gotham City Sirens, Outsiders and Red Robin, it was published in 2009.
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| - Batgirl #1
- Batgirl #2
- Batgirl #3
- Batman and Robin #1
- Batman and Robin #2
- Batman and Robin #3
- Red Robin #1
- Red Robin #2
- Red Robin #3
- Red Robin #4
- Gotham City Sirens #1
- Outsiders #19
- Gotham City Sirens #2
- Gotham City Sirens #3
- Gotham City Sirens #4
- Batman #687
- Batman #688
- Batman #689
- Batman #690
- Batman #691
- Batman: Streets of Gotham #1
- Batman: Streets of Gotham #2
- Batman: Streets of Gotham #3
- Batman: Streets of Gotham #4
- Detective Comics #854
- Detective Comics #855
- Detective Comics #856
- Detective Comics #857
- Outsiders #20
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| - Batgirl Issue 1
- Batgirl Issue 2
- Batgirl Issue 3
- Batman and Robin Issue 1
- Batman and Robin Issue 2
- Batman and Robin Issue 3
- Red Robin Issue 1
- Red Robin Issue 2
- Red Robin Issue 3
- Red Robin Issue 4
- Gotham City Sirens Issue 1
- Gotham City Sirens Issue 2
- Gotham City Sirens Issue 3
- Gotham City Sirens Issue 4
- Batman Issue 687
- Batman Issue 688
- Batman Issue 689
- Batman Issue 690
- Batman Issue 691
- Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue 1
- Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue 2
- Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue 3
- Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue 4
- Detective Comics Issue 854
- Detective Comics Issue 855
- Detective Comics Issue 856
- Detective Comics Issue 857
- Outsides Issue 19
- Outsides Issue 20
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| - "Batman: Reborn" is a comic book story arc first published in the late 2000s. It ran through numerous titles, they were Batgirl, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman: Streets of Gotham, Detective Comics, Gotham City Sirens, Outsiders and Red Robin, it was published in 2009.