| - Damage is one of the four primary elemental damage types. It performs well against Grineer soldiers and light Infested creatures, but is less effective against the Proto Shields worn by some elite Corpus units. The status effect is Ignite, which deals 50% of your weapon or power's modified base damage plus 50% of the total damage per tick, for 7 ticks over 6 seconds as damage. Ignited enemies will also panic and flail around for a few seconds, exposing them from cover and preventing them from attacking. The length of the panic animation depends on enemy type: approximately 4 seconds for humanoids, 3 for most Infested, and 2 for MOAs and Chargers. Drones and Ospreys have no animation and their ability to act is not impeded. status procs don't stack the way and procs do. Instead, a proc applied while Ignite is already in effect will refresh the initial proc's duration and re-apply the panic effect without changing its damage per second. Mods adding base or damage and combo multipliers will increase the damage of the Ignite ticks. If a proc occurs together with a headshot and/or critical hit, the ticks are also affected by their respective multipliers. In case of melee weapons, another 8x stealth damage multiplier is applied to the ticks if the Warframe is in a stealthed state. Enemies killed while under or by a proc will be left in ashes, burning away shortly afterwards.