| - Matthew Singh was a clothing retailer who took over his father's firm after attending business school and completing his masters. His father, also called Matthew, had problems with alcoholism, dying thereafter of liver failure, and Matthew then doubled the business from a position of it being nearly bankrupt. Aidan Connor secured a meeting with Matthew who, up until then, had been impervious to Underworld's blandishments. He arranged a meeting at Nick's Bistro which his sister Kate got to hear about and informed their father Johnny. He muscled in on the arrangements, telling Kate to bring forward the meeting by an hour and taking her along to meet the man he thought was his old friend. The usually sure Johnny was taken aback though when he met the younger man, not knowing that the father had died. He was further wrong-footed when Matthew began showing his modern business methods with spreadsheets of projections and refused an alcoholic drink as he was teetotal. Kate ran to fetch a furious Aidan who, with some reluctance, came to his father's rescue. With a combination of Johnny's patter and Aidan's spreadsheets and papers, the deal was sealed, Matthew being impressed with a family that seemed to work so well together.