| - Lektos was born on Neimoidia about twenty years before the Invasion of Naboo. Like most Neimoidians, he was brought up in a grub hatchery and was also indoctrined to be paranoid and greedy. However, his stay in the grub hatchery was cut short when his father displeased a Hutt gangster, who threatened to kill him and his family. Lektos was handed over to relatives on Alderaan, where he spent the remainder of his childhood. During there, he was taught by his somewhat liberal relatives to be aggressive and to forgo alliances for the sake of himself. These teachings would mould his future character. When he matured, Lektos spent a few years as an administrator of a small spaceport on Alderaan. Due to this monotonous evironment, he found it difficult to fully practice his Neimoidian sense of business, and was unable to get a better job due to the human-dominated Alderaanian economy. Eventually, he managed to learn of the Trade Federation and the fact that it was Neimoidian-dominated. He resigned his job at the spaceport and signed up to the Trade Federation, where he became a worker in the Federation's accounting divisions, and feared that this would soon devolve into another monotonous job. However, Rune Haako himself took note of Lektos's aggresiveness, and promoted him to the upper echelons of the Federation. After a few years of good pay and a highly improved lifestyle, Lektos was surprised when he was told that he would be leading part of an upcoming invasion of Naboo. Lektos questioned the need for this, but was merely told that the Trade Federation would greatly profit from this. Sensing an opportunity to gain promotion, he did as he was told.