| - Organic Diamond Shapeshifting Form: Nori possesses the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form. In many ways, this is similar to Colossus' organic steel form. She must transform all parts of her body, rather than selectively transforming certain areas and can remain in this form for an undetermined amount of time. If she is rendered unconscious, Dazzler's body will automatically transform into its normal state. This transformation also alters Dazzler's personality, causing her to become rather cold-hearted and to lose her empathy for others. Nori can shift the structure of her body, growing wings on her back, talons in her fingers, sharp fanged teeth, natural body armor, mermaid-like tail, and she can even compress nearly two-dimensional like a rolling pin to gli
| - Organic Diamond Shapeshifting Form: Nori possesses the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form. In many ways, this is similar to Colossus' organic steel form. She must transform all parts of her body, rather than selectively transforming certain areas and can remain in this form for an undetermined amount of time. If she is rendered unconscious, Dazzler's body will automatically transform into its normal state. This transformation also alters Dazzler's personality, causing her to become rather cold-hearted and to lose her empathy for others. Nori can shift the structure of her body, growing wings on her back, talons in her fingers, sharp fanged teeth, natural body armor, mermaid-like tail, and she can even compress nearly two-dimensional like a rolling pin to glide on air currents.
* Superhuman Strength: In her diamond form, Prescott's physical strength is increased to superhuman levels. At her peak, she is able to lift approximately 2 tons.
* Superhuman Stamina: While transformed, Dazzler's muscle tissue becomes infinitely more efficient than the organic musculature of normal humans, or most other organic beings for that matter. Her muscles produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting her almost limitless superhuman stamina, or at least until or unless she is forced to resume her normal state.
* Superhuman Durability: Dazzler's diamond form renders her highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. She is able to resist great impact forces, such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, without being injured. Her body is also resistant to temperature extremes, able to withstand temperatures as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit or as hot as approximately 7,362 degrees Fahrenheit before her form begins to melt. Frost is also self sustained while transformed, requiring no food, water or oxygen.
* Psychic Immunity: Nori has shown to be immune to other telepathic powers in her diamond form, but in turn, she is unable to use her own telepathic powers until she turns back.
* Crystallization: Dazzler has learned how to extend her diamond form to other matter. With this, she is capable of manipulating the matter that's crystallized.
* Diamond Generation: She is able to manipulate the atomic structure of her crystalline structure and physiology at will, thus allowing her to make crude diamond weapons from any part of her body on demand, and fire diamond shards rapidly from her hands that can explode on contact. She can make huge clusters of crystals, by creating crystal shields, and even make ramps for herself to jump on. In certain ways, she can even reshape her projectiles into certain shapes and can make giant body parts like hands to capture enemies. Also, her crystalkinetic powers don't end there, as she can control the diamonds and crystals that are not even connected to her body by redirecting them mentally. Her ability also allows her to regenerate to a limited extent, such as growing severed or lost limbs by generating more diamonds. Her regeneration is limited and can be used as long as her head is intact. Also, Nori can absorb foreign diamonds to also reconstruct her body.
* Diamond Shards: She is able to manipulate the shape and quality of diamonds that protrude from her body, which are formed by her bone marrow, and expel them from her body at high speeds.
* Light Absorption and Redirection: She can absorb light she comes in contact with, in her diamond form.Through practice, Nori learned to direct the light and lasers exit from her body.
* Light Immunity: her body, especially her eyes, shields itself against any injurious effects of her light transducing abilities, and against those of bright lights in general.