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- Bookcases are built in the Parlour, Quest Hall or Study of a player-owned house. All of the bookcases will contain the same books. Bookcases have the ability to save bank space, because they automatically store most books from previously completed quests and other miscellaneous books. There are some exceptions, and these are listed below. Books are stored in the following order: (non quest-related books in a random order first, then in alphabetical order of quests)
- At time of writing this article, it is 1460 in Rennasance Kingdoms. Reading would be limited to specialist clerks, the Clergy (but not universally), phillosophers, and a small group of 'intellectuals'.. Bulk printing had not yet been invented.
- A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side.
- Books were written works bounded together in print. In the Galactic Empire they were rare, as most preferred other means of storage, such as data-tapes or flimsiplast. Agent Kallus was surprised to observe a shelf of books when he visited the office of Captain Zataire on the Lawbringer. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic adhered to the White Book, a field guide detailing procedures and regulations set by Alliance High Command.
- The era of the book is nearly over. As the online reference sites Wikipedia and Sparknotes may suggest, the use of online books composed of articles is quickly supplanting the book as a means of holding material. In the future, books will not become significantly cheaper as researchers study other fields such as the internet, of which servers will become cheaper and cheaper, resulting in reduced costs. With these given changes, the book will fade away into history.
- Description: Found in: Forest Village, Rockaxe, Highway Village, Tigermouth
- A book is a material in The Long Dark. A book is a fuel source for fire and increases the probability of lighting a fire by 35%. Books are generally found inside houses and are fairly common, especially in the larger, fancier homes like the Pleasant Valley Farmstead. Books have an estimated fire duration of 18 minutes. It is the worst time/weight efficient fire fuel in the game but works wonders when used to start a new fire.
- The book is an archaic, paper based format in which many websites used to be printed. It is noted for its lack of hyperlinks, annoying natural wear and tear and being enormously ink-consuming. Indeed, the Great Ink shortage of 1674 was a result of mass book writing amongst the world's general population and monsters. George Hamburg explained that: Thankfully, Charles Dickens invented the pomcuter in 1879 meaning people no longer had to put up wid dis crap wanted to use books.
- A book is a common item in Atlantica Online.
- Book is an item in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Books are a feature of Fighting Fantasy canon.
- The Book or Holy Book is the main holy book of Christendom. It is made up of many books from sundry times. The whole is dealt into two halves, known as 'witnessings', for they are witness to God's deeds and oath to his followers. The first is nearly the same in makeup as the Jewish Tanakh, and the following is mainly the four gospels and a handful of writings by Paul.
- W grze World of Warcraft książki pojawiają się na kilka różnych sposobów. Mogą to być: 1.
* Przedmioty potrzebne do wykonania zadań. Czasami można przeczytać ich treść. 2.
* Nieruchomy element otoczenia. Niektóre z takich książek zawierają fragmenty Historii Warcrafta. 3.
* Przedmiot, który może zostać wykorzystany do nauki profesji, który znika po "przeczytaniu". 4.
* Element ekwipunku trzymany w dłoni, zwykle wykorzystywany przez klasy rzucające zaklęcia, do podwyższenia statystyk. Zobacz także: Kategoria:Książki Kategoria:Książki Kategoria:Strony ujednoznaczniające
- The Book ability is defined as anyone who can use a book to decipher heiroglyphs by following the 4-digit combination of Egyptian-style symbols shown. This ability only applies to people who carry a book around 105% of the time and can't lose it, because any non-Book character can pick up a book and decipher the heiroglyphs.
- This is a grey book pin found in the pinalog.
- A book that's been put together sturdily enough to be wielded as a weapon in an emergency situation.
- Books can be created and customized by players. Enchantment basin can be used to rename them and change their description (content). They are roleplaying tools at the moment. There are plans from developers to add a 'Printing press' later. Some books are included in palette maintained by developers. Those books can be found in bookshelf.
- The Book is a feature in the game Stick Ranger that was implemented in ver3.0. It is located in the Town, Village, Resort and Forget Tree and functions as an enemy encyclopedia: for a one-time fee, the player can view the stats of all enemies in a stage (peak level, LP, gold dropped, as well as peak EXP). Enemy drops and their strengths and weaknesses are also displayed, where applicable. Once a page of a book is bought and the corresponding level re-entered, the enemy's LP bar will also show a small picture of itself, its current LP, max LP, drop items, and EXP (not the peak EXP, but the exact amount the team will get).
- Book (ひでんのしょ, Hiden no Sho?, lit. "Book of Secrets") is a key item in Breath of Fire. The secret techniques of the great thief are recorded in this Book. It's the most desirable item by Karn. The Book can be found on the last level of underground Krypt where it is hidden in one of the eight caskets.
- Book is an object you can get the Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition. You can buy it for $40 on the first visit to Gold Town within General Store. If purchased, you unlock a page Roberto Pedrosa in Edgar Rose's Journal. If you do not buy this object in the store, you'll not get the Roberto Pedrosa's journal page.
- A book is collection of words and/or images printed on sheets of paper bound together along one edge with covers on the front and back. Books can contain any kind of information, literature, both fact and fiction and pictorial in the form of diagrams, artwork or comic strips. More recently some books have done away with paper all together and been published electronically.
- Books are items in Minecraft that serve little purpose. They are crafted from 1 Leather and 3 Paper. Books can be used in only three crafting recipes, but can be very useful in these.
- Books are items in The Sims series that serve a variety of purposes throughout the different games. They are stored in bookshelves, but Sims can put them down on most surfaces.
- Book is a character owned by theshadowranger in DeviantArt. More info to come later.
- Headquarters: Seattle, WA Founded: early 2000s Founded by: Scott McCaughey and/or Kurt Bloch?
* Rock
* Pop Rock
- Books are Items added in Update 0.3.0 to Minecraft Pocket Edition. They can be naturally found in Strongholds or can be crafted in a Crafting Table.
- Books are basically books that are found in the Luminous Arc series of video games.
- A Book was a gaijin object that became popular among certain sects of scholars because it could hold a large amount of information and remain small enough to be easily transported.
- There are so many Books in Webkinz World in W-Shop and elsewhere!
- Books are items crafted from paper and leather. They are used both as an ingredient to craft other items, and as a way to store Enchantments for later use. Books and paper usually appear in chests inside Stronghold libraries. They can also be traded with villagers.
- Books are items obtained in quests and elsewhere in RuneScape. Most books can be read by players, which provides information ranging from lore to information on game mechanics. When a player reads a book, their character displays an emote of looking at a green covered book, similar to the way reading the World Map displays an emote.
- In World of Warcraft, a book can appear in several ways: 1.
* A quest item that sometimes can be right-clicked to read its contents. 2.
* An immovable piece of the game environment that sometimes can be right-clicked to read its contents. See . 3.
* An item that can be right-clicked for training a profession that disappears after use. 4.
* An off-hand item, usually worn by casters for stats. Outside the games: 1.
* See .
- Bookcases are built in the Parlour, Quest Hall or Study of a player-owned house. All of the bookcases will contain the same books. Bookcases have the ability to save bank space, because they automatically store most books from previously completed quests and other miscellaneous books. There are some exceptions, and these are listed below. Books are stored in the following order: Non quest-related books are listed in alphabetical order first. Then quest-related books are listed in alphabetical order based on the name of the quest.
- Books track various PvE accomplishments throughout the Guild Wars campaigns and expansion. Some books can be turned in to an NPC for various rewards, while other books act merely as a guide towards achieving some objective. See the individual books' articles for detailed acquisition and reward information.
- Books are gentle, quiet, learning experiences in life. Some books may have mood. Some books may be scary or sad. Books can make a difference in life. They can change your ways. Some of the really good books can get you sucked into them and never stop reading.
- The Book is a melee weapon found in Hitman: Absolution.
- In Wasteland, a Book is an unused item, though it can be a melee item in a pinch with the Brawling skill. There is a Book in the jail in Las Vegas that is paragraph 65.
- The Book is an inventory item in KQ7. It is a copy of the The Wit and Wisdom of Falderal.
- Some related activities include hobbies such as book binding, creating picture or travel albums and book clubs. There is also illustration. Some people collect books -- first editions, certain genres or authors, illustrations or design of artwork or fonts. People also use books as part of a routine, such as bedtime stories or a way o wind down before sleeping. Books can also provide information about how to improve our homes -- how to construct or fix things, how to clean and maintain things.
- In the Mathic Society, the Book refers to a volume consisting of twelve chapters, some number of which are assigned to be memorized as penance for infractions of the Discipline. The content of the Book is designed to be illogically annoying, and becomes exponentially more complex and difficult to memorize. Each chapter is ten times more difficult than the previous chapter. The more an erring avout must memorize, the longer he or she spends in an austere cell and the greater the damage to his or her ability to learn or to process information in a useful manner. Memorization of a single chapter can take a day or less; Fraa Erasmas's penance of five chapters took several weeks. It should also be noted that not only must the avout memorize the information contained in the Book, but they are ex
- Since books are so new, the libraries used to only sell DVDs and box sets of TV series, such as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and also Home Improvement. The first book, written by J.K. Rowling (sometime between 2003 and 2009), was about a boy with pink sunglasses who had a fake tattoo on his head and wore girly roabs. His real name, Clint Eastwood, was disguised by the name of "Hairy Pothead", who went to a school appropriately named "Hogwarts", which was a castle in the middle of New York City (around Manhattan or something like that). Yep, teachers worship books.
- !NPC !Cost !Town/Area !Coordinates |- |Archmage Kiko of Kara |698 |Kara |83.4S, 47.0E |- |Barshid al-Juhir the Scribe |698 |Uziz |25.9S, 28.2E |- |Bashkiya the Scribe |608 |Al-Arqas |31.0S, 14.0E |- |Brother Gonun the Scribe |608 |Shoushi |33.7S, 73.1E |- |Brother Ku-Xao Sutan the Monk |608 |Bluespire |39.5N, 75.2W |- |Brother Samir ibn Lomaq the Monk |608 |Greenspire |42.9N, 67.0W |- |Degel Parson the Scrivener |698 |Eastham |17.5N, 63.5E |- |Denki Sokuto the Scribe |608 |Baishi |49.5S, 62.5E |- |Fenza Tan the Scribe |653 |Hebian-To |39.3S, 82.9E |- |Gailadu the Scribe |563 |Underground City | |- |Gylfolma the Scribe |563 |Lytelthorpe |0.5N, 51.0E |- |Hiruhi Fensen the Scribe |698 |Sawato |28.7S, 59.5E |- |Janier al-Evv |563 |Xarabydun |41.8S, 15.8E |- |Janus Roma the Shopkeep |608 |Redsp
- Books are decorative background items that can only be obtained from inside a Dungeon. They can be knocked off their Metal Shelves with a pickaxe unlike the spell books that you have to click. While most books serve a decorative purpose, it is also possible to find a spell book called the Water Bolt hidden among the books. The Water Bolt can be identified by hovering the cursor over books: an icon will appear if the mouse is over the Water Bolt. Normal books do not have a mouse-over icon. They are used to craft the Bookcase, which is needed to create the magical weapons that has a "book" icon.
- Book is a recurring character on Elmo's World. A floating, talking book belonging to Elmo, this tome frequently narrates short overviews of the episode's topic, sometimes with a pop-out page illustration. Book first appeared in the episode, "Getting Dressed" and is seen as a "dog-eared" book in "Ears." Initially a Muppet character with facial features embedded in the cover, Book was seen as a computer-animated character in the "Skin" episode, with more realistic eyes and a humanoid nose.