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- Navigate: Buzzwords... (edit) See also: Acronyms ... Bond Glossary ... Investing Glossary ... Technical Analysis Glossary... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
- Gunslinger is a short machinima series written entirely by Rik. The story revolves around 4 'Gunslingers' and how they are famed around the world for being god like or invincible. They are hated by almost the entire populous, and are ranked as unbelievable criminals. The series is planned to run for 6 to 8 episodes, and will most likely be kicking off the Iceburg Inc. machinima line. It is currently a work in progress.
- Gunslinger is a custom Fighter class archetype developed by Matthew Mercer for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition when the group converted from Pathfinder. There are two versions of the archetype: a professional version is available for purchase at Dungeon Masters Guild and a free version.
- The Gunslinger Jacket (which is the only style) can be bought through pvp marks in the Hall of Heroes. File:R&DPickup.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it with additional information or adding additional maps, appropriate links or images.
- The Gunslinger is a in Saints Row and Saints Row IV.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)
- The Gunslinger is a Spy Satellite located on the space. It appeared in Digimon World 3, as Galacticmon, when it fuses with Snatchmon.
- Gunslinger is a Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 perk.
- +2 Handguns Level +2 Hard Ass Level
- Gunslinger is a medal that can be earned in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. It is awarded in competitive game types for defeating five opponents with a pistol.
- Gunslinger is the 9th scenario in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. Scenario Info: The Old Frontier beckons you to a western theme park that's about to be put out to pasture. Be quick on the draw to rustle up some improvements and put some Wild back into the West! Park Hours: 9:00AM - 7:00PM Park Entrance Fee: $0 Starting Cash: $10,000 Starting Loan: $10,000 at 6.9% Maximum Loan: $13,000
- Munitions - Energy Builder - Ranged Damage
- The Gunslinger is a class governed by Empyrean Lord Israphel. Players start out as Technists, and become Gunslingers upon Ascension. Gunslingers use Pistols and Aethercannons. The type of weapon used will affect combat style. Aethercannons have a slower attack speed but fire great powerful blasts. Pistols are much faster, and can fire off multiple shots in succession for a more dynamic style.
- Gunslingers are a Star Child class available in Conception 2. They wield guns and are strong damage-bursters. They are one of the four initially available classes.
- __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Gunslinger</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 4,000 Dropped by Dropped byOther:Orokin Tower Containers Transmutable Untransmutable The Gunslinger mod increases the fire rate of secondary weapons by 12% per rank for a maximum of 72% at rank 5.
- The gunslinger is an advanced class for the smuggler class in the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO video game. This advanced class specializes in dual blaster pistols, trick shots, and utlizing cover in combat. The Imperial counterpart for this archetype is the Sniper..
- Entrusted with the most dangerous weapons of their time, Gunslingers fire at their enemies with smooth speed and unerring accuracy. These heroic gunmen are firearm specialists that methodically fight their enemies from long distances.
- Gunslinger on piraatti, joka taistelee ninjoja vastaan.
- The Gunslinger is a boss in the 1999 video game Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, as well as one of the final bosses of the game.
- Gunslingers were the highest authority in All-World, a parallel version of our own Earth. Their duty was to keep that world from "moving on" — the commonly used expression for collapse of not only civilization, but reality itself; originally they didn't have guns and formed an order of Knights, wielding swords and shields.
- Gunslingers are firearm specialists from Einbroch that relies on pinpoint accuracy in bringing down enemies. And as the name imply, they use guns to deal damage as much as possible in a short amount of time. A wide array of guns and firearms opens up to each of its own unique abilities and skills to produce different playing styles, making Gunslingers a versatile class.Novice characters can change classes directly to Gunslinger once they hit Job Lvl 10. However, they don't have an advanced class. To make up for this, Gunslingers have different Job EXP requirement compared to the traditional job classes, and they are allowed to reach a maximum Job Lvl at 70.
- The criminal equivalent of soldiery, gunslingers flood the outer reaches of the Rim, since firing fast and accurately is often the best way to survive. Their blasters only leave their handy holsters long enough to fry the threat, and enemies are dispatched with ease and elegance. Psychologists also report an unhealthy addiction to gambling.
- The Gunsligner is an extension of the Gunman path of the Operative path, and leads directly to the soldier path. It can further lead to the Duelist path. This skill path focused primarily on Mid-Damage. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- File:Huge item gunslinger bronze 01.png |-| Silver = File:Huge item gunslinger silver 01.png |-| Gold =
- Gunslinger is one of the of two Smuggler Advanced Classes. Primary Focus:
* Dual Pistols
* Quickdraw / Fast Attacks
* Ranged DPS
* Cover Another specific upgrade is that the Sweeping Gunfire can be used while the player moves the cone of fire, although this requires a certain amount of care.
- "I learned one rule about gunslingers. There's always a man faster on the draw than you are, and the more you use a gun, the sooner you're gonna run into that man." Gunslinger is a mental advantage, described in Basic Set, p. 58. It is mentioned frequently in GURPS Gun Fu. A list of page references would include a respectable fraction of the supplement. It can be found in GURPS Action 1: Heroes on pages 7, 14, 17, and 18. It is mentioned in GURPS Action 2: Exploits on pages 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 39. Gunslinger is discussed in GURPS High Tech on page 249, 250, 251, and 252. GURPS Tactical Shooting talks about Gunslinger in terms of "who draws first?" on page 10.
- "'Come on....dance for me!" - Gilder Gunslinger (ハデにやろうぜ Hade ni Yarouze) is Gilder's first unlockable Super Move. It costs 2 Moonberries to learn and 9 SP to use.
- The gunslinger is the cowboy of the Wastes. They are the clever, fast, and intelligent. They can be good, evil, or neutral karma. The gunslinger is most likely the leader of most parties.
- Born to Radriar's father's cousin,his father was banished. His father truly understood justice and hated Helio in some of his aspects and ways of handling, he also hated Tenno. He found Yamamoto the better as he was more of neutral even though he governed such small land. That is why Shinobi was to avenge his father's death who was slain by Radriar. Shinobi was taken in by Yamamoto in his academy and later was left at the age of 10, after he got Quincy powers. He later adopted a life of revenge and bounties only to take the better bounties and 'bad bounties' to be rejected. He used to kill the bounty-placer many times especially if it was not in the sense of Justice. This made him a space pirate and also rich.
- The following are changes in the Gunslinger class from its listing in Paizo material.
- Gunslinger é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X. Pertence à personagem Erron Black. Categoria:Variações
- Role: Gunslingers are thunderous artillery, often found where the fighting is fiercest. Brave, clever, and frequently foolhardy, many gunslingers push to position themselves at close range, barrels blazing, to take down their foes and demoralize their enemies. Other gunslingers are masters of distant death, picking off enemies from afar with their strange and wondrous weapons. Alignment: Any. Hit Die: d10. Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 hl (average 175 hl) Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. File:Gunslingerfemale.png Class Features The following are class features of the gunslinger.
- Gunslinger is a rifle-toting Cowboy robot Grimlord himself recommends after his Skugs kidnap Kaitlin's cousin Betsy. In his first appearance he speaks like Clint Eastwood combined with stereotypical cowboy language such as "Howdy, pardner", "varmint", and "draw." He wears a brown overcoat and hat, which he dramatically throws off at the start of his battle against JB (His hat explodes on the ground after throwing it), which fails to impress the Trooper. He and JB then have a showdown, but Gunslinger has a force-field to deflect JB's attacks. During the battle, one of Gunslinger's bullets creates a hole in the ground, which JB uses as a trench to surprise Gunslinger before he can activate his shield, then replacing his gun temporarily with a sword.
- Gunslinger (Duelist in Brazil) was an ancient title bestowed upon a particularly active legion during the First Demon Wars. The only extant record from that time, the Chronicles of Klayah, reveals that although the title "Gunslinger" had fallen into obscurity, it was indeed used by the most powerful kingdom of the time during the First Demon Wars.
- The Gunslinger can devastate big groups of enemies – showering them with bullets from his Pistols and Chains of magic from his knowledge of Elementalism. His attacks are perfected to do damage to all monsters standing against him at once, and to keep the pressure up by affecting them with damage-over-time effects and wicked critical hits.