| - WaPo World is a dark, sinister planet that is in a different solar system somewhere, known for having only one abnormal trait: a pitch-black surface that traps all light and turns the planet's sky a permanent shade of black. It was once a regular planet that had regularness on it, but then the Undefeatables decided that it would make a great prison for the evil WaPo because they thought it was a distant and uninhabited wasteland. This planet now has only one resident. WaPo World was once a planet with much civilization on it. Weird creatures known as Uglyians lived on it. They created a very advanced civilization. When they were just about to discover fire, the Undefeatables came, and threw WaPo onto their planet. The mere presence of what was left of WaPo caused the Uglyians to be wiped out in days. The sky turned from a lovely shade of red (just like Mars) to a sinister black, all because of WaPo's evil presence. WaPo's power started to affect WaPo World's gravity, and it began to glide slowly towards a sun. After a while, it crashed right into a sun, but the sun exploded, and WaPo World floated out unharmed. The Undefeatables now keep guard over this planet, and if they ever detect any form of consciousness from WaPo, then they shoot enough explosions in there to blow up an entire continent.