The Imuchakk Arc is the third story arc in the Adventure of Sinbad manga series. It deals with Sinbad traveling to Imuchakk, meeting Hinahoho and his sister, Pipirika, as well as them trying to conquer the Valefor Dungeon.
The Imuchakk Arc is the third story arc in the Adventure of Sinbad manga series. It deals with Sinbad traveling to Imuchakk, meeting Hinahoho and his sister, Pipirika, as well as them trying to conquer the Valefor Dungeon.
The Imuchakk Arc is the third story arc in the Adventure of Sinbad manga series. It deals with Sinbad traveling to Imuchakk, meeting Hinahoho and his sister, Pipirika, as well as them trying to conquer the Valefor Dungeon.