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  • Religion
  • Religion
  • Religion
  • Religion
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  • The main religion in Equatia is Infintarianism. Infintarianism is the belief that there is no end to one’s life. Infintarianism is a monotheistic religion. Their god is named Infinity. He is said to have the power to make anything happen. The religion’s history starts the day Equatia was created.
  • The theological world of Alyria is a complicated one. The physical plane is not the only one in existence. A good diagram of the universe can be seen as a division from Spiritual unity, to Mental abstractness, to Astral fluidity, to Ethereal certainty, to Physical being.
  • Religion tends to come up in In Nomine, for some strange and inscrutable reason, so here are some notes on it within the R&D setting. While religions are certainly related to God and the celestial realm, the relationship is not clear-cut.
  • Religion is a belief in some powerful entity or entities' existence and necessity of obeying various rules and maintaining rituals to earn their benevolence or avoid their wrath.
  • Eine Religion ist eine psychische Erkrankung (Variante der Schizophrenie), die sich in der organisierten, kollektiven Anbetung eines Götzen manifestiert, die sich insbesondere durch dezidierte Verhaltensregeln auch für Personen, die dem Glauben nicht anhängen, bis in den unmittelbaren Lebensbereich jedes Einzelnen auswirkt. Zudem ist Religion eine hervorragende Universalausrede und gleichzeitig ein überall einsetzbares Hilfsmittel zur Durchsetzung eigener Interessen.
  • A religion was an organized body of beliefs, tenets and practices centered around the worship of one (monotheism) or many (polytheism) supernatural beings, which claims to provide an explanation of the origins and meaning of human nature, life and the Universe, a relationship between the individual and the divine, and a derivative code of morality for practice in daily life. Most labor slaves bred by Manpower Incorporated of Mesa tended to be deeply religious. (CS2)
  • Religion ist der organisierte Versuch, das Göttliche für die Menschen begreiflich zu machen. Das kann durch Rituale, heilige Schriften, Gesänge und ausgebildetes Personal (= Priester/innen), sowie bestimmten Geboten und Verboten vermittelt werden. In der Regel geben Religionen auch einen bestimmten gewünschten Lebenswandel vor, den die Anhänger mehr oder weniger versuchen zu befolgen, um jetzt oder später (z.T. erst nach dem Tod) glücklich zu werden. Religion erfand die Architektur, die Künste (praktisch fast alle), die Show und die Rhetorik. Nebenbei auch heilige Kriege, Ketzerverfolgungen und sonstige Mordvarianten. Die Moderne dachte, sie könnte die Religion überwinden, wurde inzwischen allerdings eines Besseren belehrt.
  • Religion, sometimes used interchangeably with "belief system" or "faith", is commonly defined as the beliefs concerning the divine, sacred and/or supernatural; and the institutions, moral codes, practices, rituals and values associated with those beliefs.
  • Religion tror folk på, tror jag. Det finns Kristerism, Muslimism, Juderi, Buddhera och mer.
  • Articles relating to religion * Civil Constitution of the Clergy * Westminster Confession of Faith * Falun Gong and Miscegenation * Gospel of Buddha * Geneva Bible * Congregational church * Congregationalist polity
  • Many of the worlds religions preach the virtues of veganism and vegetarianism.
  • Religion was invented by a rather paunchy fellow in [insert name of your home town here] at the exact moment he became middle-aged (that is, at the exact moment when he was halfway through his entire lifespan, though he didn't know it at the time). Being a professional comedian who didn't understand the difference between his work and the rest of the real world, he thought it would be excellent to steal an idea from an uglier colleague and start an institution that would serve only one purpose: to be a complete joke that people would fight over.
  • There are four main 'religions' in Renaissance Kingdoms. Each one is based loosely on a real life religion but, as the forum rules state, "...FICTIONAL religions used here in the RK and likewise are NOT a representation of ANY REAL LIFE RELIGION that has been practiced in the past or is in Practice now." Therefore, someone's religion in-game should reflect their character's background, and not modern views of the corresponding religions.
  • Religion doesn't exist in Randland in well-defined terms or sects; instead, most people believe in a distant-but-all-powerful Creator, and the Dark One who opposes him. Individual cultures may create specific beliefs: for example, Children of the Light believe that all Aes Sedai are working for the Dark One, and the Seanchan believe that their Empress is infalliable. Darkfriends, of course, are a special case of belief.
  • The religion is a factor in the Starship Troopers franchise.
  • A bit about the Religions of the various colonies will be stored in this section.
  • ‘Religion’ after all means to Reconnect, according to Cicero derived from relegere "go through again" (in reading or in thought), from re- "again" (see re-) + legere "read" (see lecture (n.)). Latin religionem (nominative religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods; conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation; fear of the gods; divine service, religious observance; a religion, a faith, a mode of worship, cult; sanctity, holiness," in Late Latin "monastic life" (5c.).
  • As in human cultures, in many continuities the Transformers have possessed religion to help them explain and cope with their place in the universe. In continuities where they exist, Transformer spiritual and religious beliefs are usually specifically illustrated to be truth rather than legend or superstition.
  • Christianity Islam Judaism
  • Dans Game of Thrones, il existe de nombreux dieux.
  • GWU is home to a host of different religious backgrounds, and religion is a topic that, along with politics, is discussed campus-wide. Many spiritual organizations on campus exist to help bring students of similar faiths together. The religious groups on campus with most members on campus are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. A list of spiritual organizations can be found on the List of Spiritual Organizations page.
  • Religion is a topic sometimes referred to in the Grand Theft Auto series, whether it be through the words of characters and radio, or through objects in the games' environments. These references are listed in this article. Christianity, Atheism, Judaism, Epsilonism, Buddhism, Altruism exist in the Universes of the game.
  • Religion plays an important factor in Rise of Kings, and confers many cultural bonuses, which may be shared between one or more factions. The bonuses of a religion stack with the national powers of each faction. Each faction starts off with a fixed religion, each of which has its own special set of bonuses.
  • This is by far the largest religion in the Known Worlds and is composed of five main sects and numerous other denominations.
  • Periksa wikipedia:Religion atau wikia:Religion
  • Es gibt eine Religiosität der täglichen Praxis, die als ,gelebte Religion' bezeichnet wird, und eine ,verordnete Religion' der Theorie, die von der geistlichen Obrigkeit, den Theologen, Kirchenrechtlern, Predigern vorformuliert und vorgeschrieben wird. Im Christentum [1]haben sich diese beiden in allen Epochen zu einem guten Teil gedeckt, aber die gelehrte Hochreligion hat ungeachtet aller Überredungskünste und allen Zwangs nie die verschiedenen Elemente des sog. Parallelglaubens im Volk ausrotten können.
  • Religion plays a major role in the world and the story of the game, as its plot is centered on a conflict involving divine beings and several characters have ties to a religious organization. Like in many other fantasy worlds, religious beliefs tend to vary by biological race instead of nationality.
  • Als Religion bezeichnen wir jedes Verhalten, durch das Menschen ihrem Leben einen Sinn verleihen, den das Leben nach wissenschaftlicher Ansicht nicht zwingend haben muss. Die populärsten Religionen unsere modernen Welt sind wohl Automobilität, Konsum, Fußball und Alkohol. Es halten sich auch nach wie vor die antiken Religionen, die wir aus früheren Epochen schon kennen – Geld und Christentum –, diese verzeichnen aber teils starke Rückgänge. Daneben etablieren sich auch immer wieder neue Strömungen. Die jüngsten Beispiele sind vielleicht der Glaube, dass man immer und überall per Mobiltelefon erreichbar sein muss, oder dass Apple-Computer fehlerfreie und von Gott geschickte Produkte sind (Macianerismus).
  • Religion is a belief or faith in a group of ideas. Dharm has two meanings: 1. * LAW or ethical standard. 2. * FAITH or Belief in the supernatural.
  • Anu is the first being of existence and the origin of pure good. The dark being of Tathamet, a seven headed dragon, was created when Anu shed all evil from his form which later manifested into being. It is said that the world began when these beings destroyed each other after a great battle. The Worldstone is thought to be Anu's eye, while the Crystal Arch seems to be his spine and the foundation of the High Heavens. The five archangels of the Angiris Council were created out of Anu's five virtues, while the Great Evils were spawned from Tathamet's seven heads.
  • Es gibt verschiedene Religionen und Gläubige in Das Lied von Eis und Feuer. Der Glaube an eine höhere Gewalt und deren starkem Einfluss auf die Welt durchfließt die Vorstellungen vieler Menschen in Westeros und Essos und beeinflusst deren Leben. In den Sieben Königslanden werden fast alle Kinder in einer bestimmten Religion unterwiesen: entweder den Alten Glauben oder in die neuen Götter, die Furcht vor den Anderen ist allgegenwärtiger Bestandteil der Erziehung. In Essos werden Kinder oft einer der unzähligen Priesterschaften übergeben, damit diese sie aufziehen. Bisher wurde in den Büchern wenig über die reale Macht der Götter erzählt, nur R'hllor hat bislang mehr oder weniger offen seine Macht durch seine Priester gezeigt.
  • right Selon le recensement de 2001, le groupe religieux albertain majoritaire est catholique, avec 25,7% de la population. Cependant, tous les courants protestants mis bout à bout, représentent 38,9% de la population albertaine. Après la Colombie-Britannique, l'Alberta a le plus grand nombre de résidents athées au Canada, avec 23,1%.
  • The animated science fiction television program Futurama makes a number of satirical and humorous references to religion, including inventing several fictional religions which are explored in certain episodes of the series.
  • Many cults, for many gods. Many of the main religions work together, but some have a deep rivalry.
  • Ancient Egyptian religion encompasses the beliefs and rituals of Ancient Egypt. It was followed for over three thousand years until the establishment of Coptic Christianity and Islam.
  • Religion is a knowledge type skill linked to Intelligence. It can be used to gather knowledge about religious knowledge or to recognize a religion-related clue. You have picked up knowledge about gods, religious traditions and ceremonies, divine effects, holy symbols, and theology. This knowledge extends to information about the undead and the Astral Sea, including the creatures of that plane. If you have selected this skill as a trained skill, your knowledge represents academic study, either formalized or as a hobby, and you have a better chance of knowing esoteric information in this field.
  • Religion is a cultural feature in which intelligent beings display a belief in and/or reverence for a higher power. This belief is often evidenced by lifestyle that includes worship. Various cultures on Sonic's World are known to practice one form of religion or another.
  • Religion ist der tief in den unterschiedlichen Kulturen der Humanoiden verankerte Glaube an ein oder mehrere höhere spirituelle Wesen, die meist als Gott bezeichnet werden, der sehr unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sein kann. Dieser Artikel enthält eine Liste der Religionen und damit verwandte Artikel. siehe auch: Kategorie:Religion und Philosophie
  • The word religion is derived from the Latin religare, which means "to bind, to tie up." It can best be described as a culture of people united under a certain set of beliefs or ideas (memes). A religion can spread, memetically, through conversion of non-believers into believers, through any number of memetic channels. Through this method, the religion uses people to simply create more of itself, like a virus.
  • No search results for that term. God does not exist. Search in namespaces:
  • Mention of religion, including references to God or Gods or church, in the Swallows and Amazons series can give an insight into Arthur Ransome's views on these matters or into prevailing views of his contemporaries.
  • Mudokons religion is bent on nature and the spirits around them, given their shamanistic abilities. They also have many Ancestral Spirits that act as guides. One example is the Three Weirdos. One major figure/god of the Mudokons, that symbolizes great wisdom, is the Almighty Raisin.
  • The Gods of Dragon's Gate are seven different dieties a character may choose to follow. Certain gods may reject certain racial/class/alignment combinations. Dragons do not follow any gods and generally treat other races belief in them as rather amusing. Rarely, a character may choose to follow one of the Lords of Chaos.
  • Religion is a belief system (such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.) which generally purports belief in one or more deities. Farkers tend to fall into one category or another, Rabid Mooslim Hating Xtians and those who aren't. A small number still adhere to the tenets of Pastafarianism. A place in which religion comes up a lot is in the Politics thread, due in part to so many conservative politicians trying to get the evangelical vote. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Australian surfer, Nat Young, tried to register surfing as a religion, but to no avail. Many surfers combine their love of the sport with their own spiritual beliefs. In Huntington Beach, California, for example, a local Christian, non-denominational church occasionally meets on the beach for Sunday early-morning services. After the closing prayer, the minister and his congregation paddle out for a morning session.
  • With the formation of society, various religions were created to explain what happens to someone after death. While these questions have never remained an incredibly important part of society, they still question the purpose of life and what comes after death.
  • All about the beat of time innate in all things. Rocks and rivers have cycles just as seasons and animals and men, and in time, even the air we breathe will grow old and die. Connecting or seeing the great and small cycles is an important part of daily life. Each of these is overseen, managed, or somehow controlled by a deity, whose intricate interpersonal relationships are echoed in nature and are subject to gossip similar to celebrity gossip. There is a great deal of variation in how this religion is taught and practiced, it is a very personal and individual belief system.
  • Religion är en tro på några kraftfulla eller de enheter existens och nödvändighet lyda olika regler och upprätthålla ritualer för att tjäna deras välvilja eller undvika deras vrede.
  • Religion is the array of ritual, worship and mythology found throughout Titan. A religion can be centred around supernatural forces, such as gods or Demons, or simply natural facts of the world, such as the four elements. The religion of a creature can endow it with particular powers, and often reflects on its alignment. Religion in Titan is wide and varied - from the shamanistic or animistic varieties practised by the tribes of uncivilized lands, to the institutional religions found in the Old World. In Allansia, Zengis is known to be a city with a thriving abundance of various faiths.
  • Common religious delusions include belief in supernatural beings and belief in good or bad magical lands people go when they die . There is no known concrete, verifiable evidence supporting the claims of any religion. Religion is a delusion and is as irrational as many beliefs that people in psychiatric hospitals hold. Despite this people who in other areas think and act rationally and are not considered psychiatrically ill sometimes hold outrageously irrational religious beliefs.
  • In Zephyrwind, there is no such thing as an agnostic wizard. All magic is granted through the power of a patron deity. The god you worship will have an impact on the magic abilities your character will possess. For example, a Knight following Bardoxin will wield powers of corruption and disease, while a Knight following Paladrian will be granted powers of healing and blessing.
  • Religion is a gameplay mechanic in Empire: Total War.
  • Religion is an unofficial Duran Duran live 12" vinyl album, recorded during The Rio Tour at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, UK on 15 November 1982.
  • As NetHack is a fantasy adventure game, religion ties in closely with its occult themes and mythology. The very mission of the game is to recover The Amulet of Yendor for your god. This article is a portal to detailed articles about the religious aspects of the game which affect gameplay.
  • All the basic pre-War religions and belief systems are still active after the Great War. The entire spectrum of Christianity still exists, and has scattered into even more splinter groups, such as the Catholicism-derived Saint Monica's Church as seen in Rivet City, and the Abbey of the Road, a Christian monastery somewhere west of the Commonwealth. The Mormon church still exists as well. The Hubologists are even more active than before the War. Followers of Dharma also exist; such as Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs—Aradesh is a prime example.
  • What is the answer to the main question: "What is the real quality of life and how can we bring some into our lives?" given by different religions?
  • A Religion is commonly defined as belief concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine; and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions and rituals associated with such belief.
  • A religion is a coherent set of beliefs that is believed due to faith, and is usually accompanied by rules of conduct, and often ritual practices. Religions most often involve faith in the existence of one or more beings that cannot be seen, called gods or deities. Religions often involve gatherings of people who adhere to the religion, and/or specialized buildings or other areas that are dedicated to the religion (if the adherents can afford them).
  • Religion is a word difficult to define. It refers to the beliefs concerning an object or person considered to be supernatural or divine, and the moral values and rituals associated with such belief. Many people believe that a supreme being (God) exists but that he is essentially unknowable. This is known as agnosticism. Other people believe that there is no such thing as a God, a view known as atheism. Other people believe there is one God who has revealed information about himself to humanity, and this view is known as monotheism. Some of the most well known monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Many people believe that there are many divine beings or gods, a view called polytheism. Hinduism is the most well known polytheistic religion.
  • Religion was often used interchangeably with the terms "faith" and "belief system" or "belief structure". Broadly speaking, it was a set of stories or beliefs that were believed or gave meaning to a particular society. In many instances a certain deity or god was worshipped. The Doctor encountered several forms of religion in the form of churches, cults, gods, deities and a variety of other forms.
  • Regardless of their position on homosexuality, many people of faith look to both sacred texts and tradition for guidance on this issue. However, the authority of various traditions or scriptural passages and the correctness of translations and interpretations may be hotly disputed.
  • Religion is the belief in and worship of a deity. Various people and civilizations in the world follow a vast array of religions.
  • A Religion is a set of beliefs and, usually, restrictive rules for behavior, that involve supernatural explanations for life and the Universe. The system of beliefs is called dogma; religions vary in how much dogma they include and how strictly they define and enforce it. Religions also vary in how much they enforce their rituals and customs.
  • There were many religions in Alagaësia. Nearly every culture had a religion which it followed.
  • Religion is one of the core aspects of Stronghold games and a source of popularity.
  • Une religion est un ensemble de croyances, d'idées et de valeurs développés par une culture, répondant notamment à des questionnements des individus sur l'origine et le sens de la vie et de la mort, ou sur l'existence d'êtres supérieurs.
  • Religion is the belief in a higher power, or creator whether it be one or many gods. Throughout history, there have been several different religions that dominated the world.
  • Religion can be a belief in a higher being by an individual or a group of people.
  • A religion is a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and religious experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.
  • Religion made occasional appearances as part of the culture of Hill Valley both in its institutionalized practice and in the moral behavior of its citizens. The form of the practice of religion, however, has changed throughout its history.
  • Για εκατοντάδες χρόνια στην Αιώνια οι Θεοί ήταν μακρινά και απρόσωπα όντα με ελάχιστες οργανωμένες θρησκείες γύρο τους και λίγους οπαδούς Οι άνθρωποι φυσικά πίστευαν αλλά η τελετουργία και το δόγμα δεν ήταν κάτι που ήξεραν Η Θρησκεία ήταν προσωπική υπόθεση
  • Religion is the belief in and worship of a deity. Various people and civilizations in the world follow a vast array of religions, and various allusions to gods, devils, and religion have been made through architecture and speech.
  • Because of the mysterious occurrences on the Island, and the varied predispositions of its inhabitants, many different religions and ideologies are explored in Lost. The characters themselves represent several faiths, and the show alludes to various religious beliefs and stories, such as belief in God.
  • A multitude of different religions are worshiped by different cultures and peoples in the Known World, across the three continents of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. Individual religious devotion in all societies is of course on a spectrum, from devout adherents to those that just go through some of the motions by rote as a cultural norm. Moreover, some people are irreligious and privately don't believe in any gods or religious systems.
  • A religion is a set of beliefs and practices aimed at ordering a person's relationship with the supernatural, often personified as God or a pantheon of deities and spirits. Religions involve adherence to moral codes and rituals and study of ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.
  • thumb|300px Religion (engl. Religion) wird von unterschiedliche Kulturen und Menschen in der bekannten Welt ausgeübt, so auf den Kontinenten Westeros, Essos und Sothoryos.
  • Religion in one form or another is part of every game covered by this wiki.
  • Religion is a collection of spiritual beliefs shared by a common group of people. These beliefs often aim to explain why it is we are here. Currently, over eighty percent of people on earth identify with a religious group.
  • Religion is the key to fighting, and what some religions claim will eventually lead to the end of the world, but that's just kinda funny to hear because it's absolutely ridiculous and stupid at the same time. So that makes it stupiculous.
  • Es sind folgende Religionen im Warcraft-Universum bekannt:
  • Though religion was formed as a way of finding solace and obtaining spiritual peace, it came to be used as a justification for war as well: for Humanity on Earth, time and again wars and massacres would rise up because of religious discrimination - ranging from the Spanish Inquisition to the work of Islamic terrorist groups in the late 20th century to the Star Riots of the 2160's - and the Covenant would continuously use its' religion, the Great Journey, as means of which to convict and suppress other races, waging holy wars that would either incorporate the races into the lower castes of society, or drive them to extinction. It was because of these tendencies to at times authorize bloodshed that multiple attempts to completely outlaw religion would be made among the galaxy's races.
  • Gaian scientists describe the Gaia Theory as global nervous system, a planetary-level phenomenon of atmospheric and temperature self-regulation. It is composed of physical chemical, biological and human components. The goal of this climate and chemical regulation is to provide a comfortable state for life. This regulation occurs through interaction of atmospheric gases, surface rocks, water, and the sun with the life-cycle and evolution of living organisms. Geophysiology (the study of the intimate link between biology and ecology on the planetary surface) studies the Earth as a network of species covering the planet's surface incessantly creating new organisms and environments. Gaia is a huge collection of interacting ecosystems that transcends all individual organisms. It is the largest g
  • Als Religion bezeichnet man eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher kultureller Phänomene, die menschliches Verhalten, Handeln und Denken prägen und Wertvorstellungen normativ beeinflussen. Es gibt keine wissenschaftlich allgemein anerkannte Definition des Begriffs Religion. Religiöse Weltanschauungen und Sinngebungssysteme stehen in langen Traditionen und beziehen sich zumeist auf über‑natürliche Vorstellungen. So gehen viele, aber nicht alle Religionen von der Existenz eines oder mehrerer persönlicher oder unpersönlicher über‑weltlicher Wesen (z. B. einer Gottheit oder von Geistern) oder Prinzipien (z. B. Dao, Dhamma) aus und machen Aussagen über die Herkunft und Zukunft des Menschen, etwa über das Nirwana oder Jenseits. Sehr viele Religionen weisen gemeinsame Elemente auf, wie die Kommunikation
  • Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. The Covenant of Primus is a compilation of prophecies that can be regarded as the Transformers bible.
  • Religion is a system of beliefs--a set of collective convictions on matters of spirituality that give meaning to the adherent's life choices and experiences. It is often the collective element that distinguishes religion from personal faith or spirituality; that said, many religions speak of a personal experience or encounter that occurs within the individual frame of reference that cannot be conveyed strictly from the outside. These may take the form of visions, dreams, feelings, thoughts, or even interpersonal experiences that, when seen through the frame of belief, take on a transcendent significance in the believer's life.
  • Whatever form religion is in in Europa, it is closely analogous to Christianity to the point of using the same terminology (at least as translated from lingua europa), albeit with a mad science twist. * In TPU there is a machine or tank labeled "Do not open until Xmas", and the Mittelmind let most of his research children out of their containment tanks for Christmas. One must have a Christ in order to celebrate a mass (holy day) for him/her. * The first name of Moloch von Zinzer was [ chosen by his mother from the Bible] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]]. The Bible exists, and from the discussion at least one story is similar to the Bible we know. * Hezekiah Donowitz appears wearing a kippah or yarmulke (skullcap), which suggests that Judaism is currently being practiced as a religi
  • The religion is monotheistic, centered around the worship of "The Watcher." The name of the religion as a whole is unknown; it may not even have one. Either way, it has split into two named branches, mirroring medieval Christianity and its schism into Catholicism and Protestantism.
  • Valdemar's motto is: There is no one true way. This holds true for religions as well as everything else. Most of the religions are based on a dual god and goddess. Though even in this, there are wide differences. In the north of the country this takes the form of Kernos of the Northern Lights and Astera of the Stars. The patriarchal Holderkin in the southeast have a dominant god and a passive, subservient goddess.
  • The city of Doramraz doesn’t have an official religion. The majority of citizens are agnostic or just don’t really think about religion at all. However, there have been foreign religions that have somehow managed to gain some followers in Doramraz, though there aren’t very many. Those who do follow some sort of spirituality sometimes form religious clubs with other believers. Some of the members of these clubs meet together at regular intervals, either at rented out restaurants or theatre halls or even someone’s residence, if it’s large enough. Some of the richer members even build temples/churches to their deity/deities. It should be noted that many of these religions that have made their way to Doramraz haven’t exactly stayed the same throughout the years. At the moment, here are the des
  • Open Faith is a man-made religion made to improve democracy, legality and protection of human rights(right for freedom, equality, life etc.). The basic principles of this religion are: 1. * Personality: No religion may be obligated or recommended in order to keep a treaty, a friendship or any other social or formal relation. Religion or philosophical institutions are no exceptions. Those who shape their own beliefs are elevated. 2. * Freedom: Believing, quitting, modifying and adopting of a religion must be allowed for everyone without any fee and obligation, Those who pay for beliefs, whether by tithe, tuition, or consultation, are diminished. Those who disseminate their beliefs freely are elevated. The value of knowledge is due to secrecy, and secrecy is an abomination. 3. *
  • Religion is the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or a set of beliefs concerning the origin and purpose of the universe . It is commonly regarded as consisting of a person’s relation to God or to gods or spirits. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories associated with their deity or deities, that are intended to give meaning to life. They tend to derive ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature.
  • A word describing the many ways one can accept Jesus as their savior, though some pagans like to use the term for nominating their satanist cults. Sometimes, 'religion' is also referred to as "church", such as in church & state. Some theologists define religion as a belief held by a certain group of people. Some of them argue that it is the only way for a society to keep from collapsing. It's proven that the society won't colapse as long as the society follows the Christian religion. Pagan countries such as North Korea, Iran, and Syria live in dystopia because they aren't Christians and are going to Hell. In general, it is encouraged that people follow whatever religion or faith they choose; there are infinite paths to Accepting Jesus Christ as Your Personal Lord and Savior.
  • La religion est (1) l'ensemble de croyances et de dogmes définissant le rapport de l'humain avec le sacré, ou (2) l'ensemble de pratiques et de rites propres à chacune de ses croyances. La liberté de culte est inscrite dans la Constitution Belge. Parmi la grande variété de religions qui ont des adhérents en Belgique, l'Etat belge ne reconnaît et ne finance que les cultes suivants : Après le catholicisme (avec +/- 75 % de la population) les "religions" avec le plus grand nombre d'adhérents en Belgique sont l'humanisme et l'Islam.
  • Tyrell has the appearance of a living god from within a pyramid above the clouds that exudes wealth and power. This self-image is reinforced when Tyrell assumes the role of the gods by dimming the sun on command. Given the replicants' superhuman abilities, they are created by Tyrell and fall from the heavens (off-world) makes them analogous to fallen angels.
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