| - D.O.A., or Dead On Arrival, is a 1950 Film Noir drama about a man named Frank Bigelow, who must frantically try to find out who wants him dead through poisoning- and why. The plot speeds as Frank recounts his past events to the police to get help. Download the movie here. A remake starring Dennis Quaid was released in 1988. If you're looking for the fighting game, see Dead or Alive.
- "D.O.A." is a song by The Haunted {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- The film centers around the Sex Pistols 1978 tour of the United States which ended with the group breaking up. The tour was the only one the group played in the U.S. Film director Lech Kowalski followed them with handheld cameras through the clubs and bars of their seven-city Southern tour. Mixing this with footage of other contemporary bands, trends in the fashion capitals, and punks of all shapes and colors, Kowalski created a grainy, stained snapshot of a movement at its peak, showing how certain authority figures saw the movement as a threat.