| - Allegiance was the fourteenth episode of Series 6 and the 79th episode of Casualty overall.
- Allegiance, formerly titled Recalled, is an American drama film directed and written by Michael Connors and stars Aiden Quinn, Bow Wow and Seth Gable. It is set for a December 2012 release.
- "Allegiance" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
- "Allegiance" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
- Уровень хоть и не очень долгий, но очень сложный из-за очень узких проходов и местами из-за сложного тайминга. Немногим игрокам удалось пройти его. Уровень выполнен в основном в белых, чёрных и серых тонах, но фон разноцветный. В уровне есть возможность включить режим низкой детализации. Также в этом уровне присутствует один из самых сложных этапов "вертолёта". Проверкой уровня занимался EndLevel. Уровень является не очень популярным среди уровней своей сложности.
- El término en inglés Allegiance puede referirse a lo siguiente:
* Super Destructor Estelar Allegiance de la Armada Imperial.
* Destructor Estelar Allegiance de la Nueva República.
* La novela Allegiance escrita por Timothy Zahn.
* Allegiance, el trade paperback de la serie Star Wars: Legacy. 1.
* La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
- Allegiances are one of the three Social Systems in Asheron's Call along with Fellowships and Player Factions. Similiar to that of a feudal society, character's swear allegiance to other character of equal or greater level, promising their Loyalty in return for equipment and guidance. Unlike members of a fellowship, players who belong to the same allegiance do not necessarily adventure together, though they may decide to from time to time.
- Allegiance NPCs accepts declarations of allegiance from guilds wishing to join their faction. There are two such NPCs, one for each faction in Guild Wars Factions:
* Kurzick Ambassador
* Luxon Ambassador To take an oath of allegiance, the guild leader of a guild must reach the capital city of their prospective alliance, which is either House zu Heltzer (Kurzicks) or Cavalon (Luxons). Once there, simply talk to the appropriate NPC above.
- "Allegiance" is the 18th episode of season 3, and the 63rd produced hour of Person of Interest. It originally aired on March 25, 2014.
- de:Nationalität Allegiance is the nation that you are currently loyal to in order to support them in Conquest and participate in . The nation you are allied with is also known as your Home Nation.
* There are three nations that players may assign an Allegiance with: The Republic of Bastok, The Federation of Windurst, and The Kingdom of San d'Oria.
* Upon creating a new character, players assign that character's allegiance.
* Players have the ability of changing Allegiance by speaking with an Immigration NPC.
- Allegiance is the 19th episode of Season 3 and is the 63th episode overall.
- Kapitan Picard niespodziewanie zostaje przeniesiony ze swojej kabiny do dziwnego pomieszczenia z czterema łóżkami, w której przebywa kadet Mitena Haro i Kova Tholl z Mizar II, a wkrótce dołącza do nich Esoqq. Wszyscy z niewiadomego powodu są więźniami. Tymczasem na pokładzie USS Enterprise przebywa sobowtór kapitana. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
- Bolians; Bolarus IX; Browder IV; Chalnoth; Cor Caroli V; Hood, USS; Mintaka III; Mizar; Mizar II; Mizarians; Moropa; Lonka cluster; meutronenster; Ordeknevel; Phyrox plaag; pulsar; Stargazer, USS; Wogneer wezens.
- Allegiance is the measure of loyalty of a planet to an empire. In terms of game mechanics, allegiance determines an empire's economy.
- "Allegiance" är det nionde avsnittet av sjätte säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
- Silvereye nods slowly to Amanda. "It's my firm conviction that this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and in that time we will sorely miss those we've lost this past week. They will soon have a lot of company." The Battleclaw seems rather somber as he speaks with Amanda near the Council Chambers. Silvereye shrugs lightly at Amanda. "As a civilian you have the right to choose for yourself and no one will think any less of you for choosing to flee. We, however, have another task today." He glances towards the New Lunites as they approach. "Perhaps we should head inside."
- In the Trinity Universe games, characters bear some degree of allegiance to one faction or another in the setting. Unlike most other White Wolf games such as the World of Darkness or Exalted, these associations aren't inherent or definitive characteristics based on their origin (their "splat"). Instead, one's allegiance reflects one's place in the world, with emphasis on their attitudes towards how to use the abilities that set them aside from the rest of humanity.
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