| - We've come to expect Nintendo domination in the first match, and Mario acted accordingly. I think this was actually the biggest blowout of the contest, too, because Link only scored 85.3% on Arthas. Also I should probably mention something about only the first round being 12 hour polls and everything else being 24. Which was actually really cool, but one contest too late. What we didn't expect, at least not at this point, were such god-awful vote totals. Keep this number in mind and you slog through this contest's memory lane: 50816. That's the vote total from our worst match ever, Max Payne vs Dirk the Daring. And we are seeing FREAKING MARIO only score 31805 votes. I know 12 hour night match, but even still that is just beyond embarrassing. Oh and before people start preaching about this site being a relic and traffic being crap, the vote totals stayed bad even after Skyrim and Skyward Sword came out. The answer is bad contest, not bad web site. Traffic isn't much different than it was a year ago, and FFX/Majora scored nearly 100,000 votes in a 24 hour match. Good, anticipated matches will always put asses in seats. Hell go back a little earlier than that, when Crono and Missingno scored 91,000 votes in a 12 hour day match. Calm down with the doom and gloom, seriously.