Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Es un personaje que aparece por primera vez en Super Mario 64. Es un búho que te lleva volando a donde Mario quiera ir.
Hoot is a character appearing in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He is owned by The Storyteller and delivers letters for him.
Hoot is a character appearing in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. He is owned by The Storyteller and delivers letter for him. This character page is a . You can help the Professor Layton Wiki by expanding it.
Hoot is an owl owned by the Storyteller.
Hoot is the tertiary antagonist who appears in Spooky Buddies. He is a great horned owl and one of Warwick's loyal henchmen, the other being Halloween Hound.
Hoot was a loanerbot that was entered into Nickelodeon Robot Wars and the second series of Dutch Robot Wars. It appeared in a single battle in each series, losing both times.
Hoot is a black-and-white tom with a tooth studded collar and an underbite.
Hoot was a male spy who worked for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.
A Young Adult novel by Carl Hiaasen published in 2002. It won a Newbery Honor in 2003 and was adapted into a film in 2006. The plot follows a boy in middle-school named Roy and the construction of a pancake house in Coconut Cove, Florida. Roy's father has a military career which forces his family to relocate within the United States constantly. At the start of the novel, Roy is just settling into his new town.