| - Ceremony which previews stealth fighters commences at Coruscant. Stealth fighters kill President and Moff Farat. V-Int fleet arrives and attacks. Imperial Remnant arrives to assist NR. NR accidently begins firing on Remnant ships. Remnant defeats NR, Admiral Hehl'new surrenders. Condense this with long version.
- Darth Tyrannus instructed the famed Jedi kiler, General Grievous to his "Special Mission", kidnapping Chancellor Palpatine. The Separatist general accumulated a massive fleet and sprung the Republic by surprise.
- De Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY was de laatste grote veldslag in de Clone Wars die resulteerde in een terugtrekking van de CIS en een kanteling in de oorlog in het voordeel van de Galactic Republic.
- The Battle of Coruscant, also Liberation of Coruscant in the New Republic and Fall of Imperial Center in the Galactic Empire, was the first major engagement between the Empire and Rebel Alliance following the Battle of Endor. It was a strategic and symbolic victory for the Alliance, causing the expansion of the Post-Endor Imperial power struggle and allowing the foundation of the New Republic. The day Coruscant fell, and the New Repulic was born, became known as Restoration Day, a national holiday throughout the New Republic.
- The Battle of Coruscant, also Liberation of Coruscant in the New Republic and Fall of Imperial Center in the Galactic Empire, was the first major engagement between the Empire and Rebel Alliance following the Battle of Endor. It was a strategic and symbolic victory for the Alliance, causing the expansion of the Post-Endor Imperial power struggle and allowing the foundation of the New Republic. The day Coruscant fell, and the New Repulic was born, became known as Restoration Day, a national holiday throughout the New Republic. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
- Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by the Separatists' second-in-command, General Grievous. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi lead a mission to rescue him. General Kenobi is leading a battalion of clones to engage the enemy fighters. After dodging missle and destroying buzz droids that attempt to destroy General Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter, Anakin and Obi-Wan make their way on to the Separatist Cruiser, the two Jedi ignite their lightsabers and destroy the droids in the hangar leaving R2D2 begind for orders. Anakin and Obi-Wan eventually encounter and engage the evil Sith Lord Count Dooku during which, Obi-Wan is out of action and Anakin's anger causes him to eventually sever Dooku's hands. After Anakin kills the Sith Lord by scissoring his head with two lights
- The Battle of Coruscant was a crucial battle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, with a lot of buzzy ships shooting at each other, pew-pew-pew!, and starfighters going zzzzzrrroom, and blowing up, ker-CHOM! There was so much crap going on, you couldn't tell what was happening or who was winning, and clone pilots showed up, and they were all "Lock S-foils," and the droids started shooting, and they were all "Beep-beep," and then Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker start flying around in their starfighters, zzzzzzzip! And then Obi-Wan's ship gets shot, krrzat, krrzat! and his droid, R4-P17 gets killed by buzz droids, and R2-D2 kills a buzz droid himself, and then Obi-Wan starts getting really nervous about everything, and then they