| - Sam first meets Jo when he and Dean investigate a message on the dad's phone left by a women named Ellen. After they break into the Roadhouse, Ellen and Jo hold them at gunpoint until Ellen figures out their John's sons. They talk and find out Ellen and Jo know about the demon and knew John. At the end of the episode, Jo makes hints for Sam to go so that she can talk to his brother, Dean. The next time Sam and Jo meet, Sam comes into the Roadhouse and asks where Ash is, and she tells him. He then goes to talk to Ash without even saying hi to Jo. Soon after, Sam and Dean walk in on Jo and Ellen arguing about Jo wanting to be a hunter. Jo shows them the research shes done and Sam is impressed with it and wants to take the case, which they do. Sam later feels bad about stealing Jo's case. When, Jo follows Sam and Dean on their case and lies to her mother, Sam isn't happy about it, but treats her more like an equal and a professional than Dean does. After she goes missing, he is very concerned, but they get her back. Ellen finds out they lied to her and comes to collect them. Sam and Jo sit in the back of the Impala on the way back. Back at the Roadhouse, Ellen tells Jo that her dad was killed due to John's mistake. This upsets Jo and she stops talking to Sam and Dean. Sam and Jo meet again when Sam becomes possessed by a demon and he comes after her.