| - The rights of sovereignty of this Alliance, We have inherited from Our Ancestors, and We shall bequeath them to Our descendants. Neither We nor they shall in future fail to wield them, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution hereby granted. We now declare to respect and protect the security of the rights and of the property of Our people, and to secure to them the complete enjoyment of the same, within the extent of the provisions of the present Constitution and of the law. The BDC Senate shall first be convoked in May 2008, and the time of its opening shall be the date when the present Constitution comes into force. When in the future it may become necessary to amend any of the provisions of the present Constitution, We or Our successors shall assume the initiative rights, and submit a project for the same to the BDC Senate. The BDC Senate shall pass its vote upon it, according to the conditions imposed by the present Constitution, and under no circumstance shall Our descendants or Our citizens be permitted to attempt any alteration thereof.