A color commentator (color analyst, analyst) is a Sportscaster|sports commentator who assists the play-by-play announcer, often by filling in any time when play is not in progress. The term is of American origin. The color commentator provides expert analysis and background information, such as statistics, strategy and injury reports on the teams and athletes, and occasionally light humor. Color commentators are often former athletes or coaches of the sport being broadcast.
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| - A color commentator (color analyst, analyst) is a Sportscaster|sports commentator who assists the play-by-play announcer, often by filling in any time when play is not in progress. The term is of American origin. The color commentator provides expert analysis and background information, such as statistics, strategy and injury reports on the teams and athletes, and occasionally light humor. Color commentators are often former athletes or coaches of the sport being broadcast.
- This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Color commentator article. Take me to the Color commentator article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
- Though not always the case, in professional wrestling, the color commentator is usually a "heel sympathizer" (or a supporter of the "bad guys") as opposed to the play-by-play announcer, who is more or less the "voice of the fans" as well as supporters of the "good guys" (or babyfaces). Though both are supposed to show neutral stance while announcing, the color commentator (especially when they support heels) are usually more blatant about their stance than the play-by-play announcer. Jesse "The Body" Ventura and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan pioneered the "heel sympathizer" for color commentary in wrestling. Both Jerry "The King" Lawler and JBL later made successful transitions into those roles, though Lawler has since shown more sympathy for faces (partially due to being over with fans after n
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| - A color commentator (color analyst, analyst) is a Sportscaster|sports commentator who assists the play-by-play announcer, often by filling in any time when play is not in progress. The term is of American origin. The color commentator provides expert analysis and background information, such as statistics, strategy and injury reports on the teams and athletes, and occasionally light humor. Color commentators are often former athletes or coaches of the sport being broadcast.
- This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Color commentator article. Take me to the Color commentator article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways.
* #1 Create a article of our own for this page.
* #2 On every page a Color commentator link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about:
* #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages.
* #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links.
- Though not always the case, in professional wrestling, the color commentator is usually a "heel sympathizer" (or a supporter of the "bad guys") as opposed to the play-by-play announcer, who is more or less the "voice of the fans" as well as supporters of the "good guys" (or babyfaces). Though both are supposed to show neutral stance while announcing, the color commentator (especially when they support heels) are usually more blatant about their stance than the play-by-play announcer. Jesse "The Body" Ventura and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan pioneered the "heel sympathizer" for color commentary in wrestling. Both Jerry "The King" Lawler and JBL later made successful transitions into those roles, though Lawler has since shown more sympathy for faces (partially due to being over with fans after nearly 40 years in wrestling) while JBL has since returned to active wrestling. ECW Commentators, Tazz and Joey Styles tend to be completely neutral; in addition, combine both aspects of play-by-play with color commentary.
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