| - If Shinji and Warhammer 40 K can be called the love child of Eva, Warhammer 40000, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, then NGE: Nobody Dies is what happens when you mix Eva with Overman King Gainer, a smidgen of Nextwave, and a not-inconsiderable number of Shout Outs. It could also be what happens when Rei is raised by the Warner siblings and Lelouch Lamperouge and then gets set loose in the Geofront. Due to this series' popularity, several spinoffs exist, often side-stories focusing on some of the many, many side characters. Canonised ones include:
| - If Shinji and Warhammer 40 K can be called the love child of Eva, Warhammer 40000, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, then NGE: Nobody Dies is what happens when you mix Eva with Overman King Gainer, a smidgen of Nextwave, and a not-inconsiderable number of Shout Outs. It could also be what happens when Rei is raised by the Warner siblings and Lelouch Lamperouge and then gets set loose in the Geofront. Nobody Dies is the brainchild of Gregg Landsman, author of Walking in the Shadow of Dreams. The title's a little misleading, so here's the story in a nutshell -- it's Evangelion, except that Yui didn't go through with the contact experiment with Unit 01. As a result, both she and Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu are very much alive, and their influence on the story has turned virtually the entire series on its head, in some ways that are predictable (Shinji is more well-adjusted, though not so different from his canon counterpart as to be totally unrecognizable) and some ways that really, really aren't (Rei and Asuka, on the other hand...). At its heart, the story is a Fix Fic and a transformation of Evangelion into a classic Super Robot show, with plenty of humor and action and giant robots beating the stuffing out of equally giant monsters. That's not to say everything is all sunshine and roses, however; not all the changes invoked are for the better, and the series has its share of dark moments. By and large, however, Nobody Dies is very much of the Lighter and Softer variety of Evangelion fanfiction, and it comes highly recommended to anyone looking for exactly that. As of February 22nd, 2012, Nobody Dies has hit 110/79 chapters and counting, having just begun its fifth "season." Sections of each chapter are posted in the Space Battles forum thread about the fic before the entire chapter is posted to fanfiction.net, if you want teasers. It should be noted that this is actually the twelfth discussion thread for this fic; here are the links to the original thread, the second, a short-lived third thread, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, & eleventh threads. It should also be noted that the original had become the largest discussion thread on the entire site, way past the point where threads are normally locked, and the second was one of a number of large threads that temporarily crashed Spacebattles' servers. The 3rd and every thread since, on the other hand, were locked before this could happen, and starting recently they've been getting auto-locked when they reach a length of 500 posts. Due to this series' popularity, several spinoffs exist, often side-stories focusing on some of the many, many side characters. Canonised ones include:
* Nobody Dies: Six AIs, One Continent, covering the misadventures of the Reego and two of the Keiworu in Australia.
* Nobody Dies: The Trials of Kiri Harasami, a semi-prequel following a girl who's in Rei's class who gets noticed. In addition, several future/alternate timelines have generated their own fics:
* The Yomiverse, encompassing several stories, all focused around Yomiko Nagisa.
* Nobody Dies: Those Who Remain, a Mana-centered story which spins off from ch. 75. Additionally, in February 2013 Gregg began posting chapters for a rewrite of the fanfic, The Rebuild of Nobody Dies One Point Zero. As of the end of 2013, it has reached twelve chapters and over 124,000 words. Please post single character-specific tropes to the character sheet. Other important links are at the top of the page.