| - Rodians are greenish humanoids with large shiny black eyes, extended mouths and two antennas.
- Rodianerna var en art av reptil-liknande humanoider, ursprungligen från planeten Rodia i Tyrius Systemet. De var lätta att känna igen, på grund av deras distinkta ansiktsform. Rodianerna var ökända för deras våldsamma kultur, och många av dem var prisjägare, legoknektar och tjuvar. Alla var dock inte kriminella, en del var istället konstnärer, handelsmän och politiker.
- Rodians are a humanoid species native to the hot, humid jungle world Rodia in the Tyrius system. They are infamous for their violent culture, which sprang from their hunting culture which in turn resulted from the difficulties of life in the jungles on their homeworld. Though they are often relegated to the fringes of galactic society as bounty hunters or criminal henchmen, Rodians are not merely simple-minded thugs. The Rodian species has managed to produce artists, merchants, and politicians who can be found even among the upper classes of the Core Worlds.
- Rodians are species in the Star Wars Universe. They have snouts and ear on the sides of their heads as well on top of their heads. Lego has made a few minifigures of Riodans.
- Rodians were a sentient species that originated from the planet Rodia. Lots of them became bounty hunters or criminals. The Rodian race is noticeable all over the galaxy.
- They wield great power over the blood when in kombat, but are very weak when the night comes, it is unknown why. Thanks to the efforts of Reiko and Goro, Kotal Kahn and 5 others are the last of his kind, as all other surviving Rodians were wiped out by Onaga.
- Rodians are a species generally untrusted by others. They can be quite small in stature, and have attributes that make them ideal entertainers.
- Rodians waren reptielachtige wezens van de planeet Rodia uit de Outer Rim.
- Homeworld: Rodia Description: Rodians are a race of green, antenna-sporting, bug-eyed humanoids from the planet Rodia ; the most notable specimen was Greedo, the bounty hunter shot by Han Solo in the Mos Eisley cantina in the original Star Wars movie (A New Hope). A young Rodian named Wald (played by Warwick Davis), a friend of Anakin Skywalker, appears in The Phantom Menace. In Attack of the Clones, Rodians are represented by Senator Onaconda Farr, and Palpatine's aide Dar Warc.
- Average Height: 1.6 meters Average Lifespan: 23.5 years Ah, Rodians. The sucker-faced, huge-eyed, crested green aliens, whose charm is exceeded only by their caution. Not particularly strong, not particularly fast, Rodians are nevertheless distinguished by strong senses of sight, smell, and hearing--their rounded, stalk-mounted ears can swivel at the least sound.
- The Rodians were green-skinned humanoids from the planet Rodia. They possessed distinctive faces; large, round, multifaceted eyes, tapir-like snouts, and a pair of saucer-shaped antennae on their heads, which served to detect vibrations. Rodian skin normally had a rough, pebbly texture, except on their hands and snouts. The flexible snouts augmented the Rodians' finely-tuned olfactory senses, collecting and filtering the air. Their characteristically-large eyes were indicative of a primarily-nocturnal ancestry and were capable of seeing into the infra-red spectrum. This allowed the Rodians to visually detect the body heat of their hidden prey emanating from within the darkness. Due to their love of fighting and active lifestyles, most Rodians kept in good condition, normally lean and wiry.
- Rodians, also known as Bad Aimers and Slow Shooters, and also Greedos and Lizard Heads were green, repulsive, bug-faced people who had a reputation for being really badass, but actually tended to lose fights, often resulting in their deaths. A Rodian would usually be killed roughly three minutes after they first appeared. A theory surrounded this, saying that they could shoot faster than Han Solo! But they were really, really wrong. The God always liked to shoot them with his rockin' Bryar pistol or slash them his freakin' lightsaber! The Rodian homeworld was conquered by the Empire, the Mandalorians, the dinosaurs, the Yuuzhan Vong, some other nasty species with an unpronounceable name, General Grievous (twice), the Chiss, Rodian offworld colonists, the Gungans, and a bunch of rabid Ewoks