| - George Minkowski 是貨船Kahana號的通訊官He was responsible for maintaining contact via satellite phone with his colleagues on the Island and with the outside world, until he began to experience disorientation caused by the transportation of his consciousness through time and his resultant death.
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni George Minkowski was the communications officer aboard the freighter. He was responsible for maintaining contact via satellite phone with his colleagues on the Island and with the outside world, until he began to experience disorientation caused by the transportation of his consciousness through time and his resultant death.
- George Minkowski was the Communications Officer aboard the Kahana, and developed a sickness which caused his to suffer consciousness time-transportation symptoms.
- George Minkowski era o oficial de comunicações a bordo do cargueiro. Ele era responsável por manter contato pelo rádio via satélite com os tripulantes na ilha e com o mundo exterior, até que começou a experimentar desorientações, causadas pela viagem de sua consciência pelo tempo, resultando na sua morte.
- Gdy świadomość Minkowskiego podróżowała w czasie, dowiadujemy się, że był w wesołym miasteczku na „Diabelskim Młynie”. („The Constant”) Jakiś czas później George przyjechał do Fidżi, by dołączyć do załogi frachtowca „Kahana”. Szukał tam inżyniera, jednak spotkał Kevina Johnsona, którego następnie skierował do Naomi. („Meet Kevin Johnson”)
- George Minkowski was the communications officer aboard the freighter. He was responsible for maintaining contact via satellite phone with his colleagues on the Island and with the outside world, until he began to experience disorientation caused by the transportation of his consciousness through time and his resultant death. In the flash-sideways, George was the limo driver for Desmond Hume. He has not remembered his previous life or moved on yet.
- George Minkowski ist der Kommunikationsoffizier an Bord der Kahana. Er ist dafür verantwortlich, den Kontakt via Satellitentelefon mit seinen Teammitgliedern auf der Insel aufrecht zu erhalten. Sein Gesundheitszustand verschlechtert sich jedoch zunehmend, nachdem er zusammen mit Brandon einen unerlaubten Versuch unternommen hat, mit einem Schlauchboot zur Insel zu fahren. Dabei hat sich sein Bewusstsein aus der Zeit gelöst und er erfährt wiederholt Zeitsprünge, bis er schließlich stirbt. („“)
- George Minkowski era el oficial de comunicaciones a bordo del carguero. Era responsable de mantener contacto vía teléfono satélite con sus colegas en la Isla y con el mundo exterior, hasta que comenzó a padecer síntomas de desorientación provocados por el traslado de su conciencia a través del tiempo, muriendo como resultado.
- Georges Minkowski est l'officier de communications du Kahana. Il est désorienté lorsque sa conscience traverse le temps, ce qui finit par le tuer.