| - Lǐ Chún (李纯) (currently known as Lǐ Qìn Yáo (李沁謡) in China, born January 11, 1988 in Hunan, China), best known by her Japanese stage name Junjun (ジュンジュン), is a Chinese singer and actress. She was announced to be joining as an eighth generation member of Morning Musume on March 15, 2007. Along with Linlin, she is one of only two members in the history of Morning Musume that is not of Japanese origin. She graduated from the group on December 15, 2010 with Kamei Eri and Linlin.
- Li Chun (simplified Chinese: 李纯; traditional Chinese: 李純; pinyin: Lǐ Chún; born February 11, 1988 in Hunan, China), better known in Japan as Junjun (ジュンジュン?) is a Japan-based Chinese singer. She is one of the two latest members of all-girl J-pop group Morning Musume. The two were announced to be joining as the eighth generation of Morning Musume on March 15, 2007. Along with Qian Lin, she is one of the two members in the history of Morning Musume that is not of a Japanese origin.
- Junjun es un Pokémon con aspecto de foca. Aún así, puede nadar en aguas y arrastrarse por tierra. Cuando es Invierno, su pelaje se vuelve blanco y cuando es Verano se vuelve amarillo y rojo. En Primavera y en Otoño, no cambia de color. Muchos entrenadores quieren uno por su fuerte tipo, de Tierra y Agua. Al ser de esos dos tipos, es muy resistente. Le gusta comer insectos y peces. Con sus patas con forma de aletas, puede cavar muy profundo en la arena como un Sandrew para poder dormir y vivir bajo tierra. Este Pokémon es veloz nadando y andando.
- JunJun (jap. ジュンジュン JunJun) – członkini Kwartetu Amazonek, służących Cyrkowi Martwego Księżyca. Jest linoskoczkiem w cyrku. Jest po VesVes najmłodszą siostrą z Amazonek, jest najsilniejsza i bardzo wysportowana z nich wszystkich, a kiedy mówiła używała męskich zaimków.
- thumb Junjun (ジュンジュン), de nombre real Li Chun (李純) es una idol japonesa perteneciente al Hello! Project aunque realmente es de China. Es miembro de la octava generación de Morning Musume.
* Nombre artístico: Junjun (ジュンジュン)
* Nombre real: Li Chun (李純, リー・チュン)
* Fecha de nacimiento: 1988-02-11
* Lugar de nacimiento Yueyang, Provincia Hunan, China
* Estatura: 168 cm
* Tipo de Sangre: O
* Instrumentos: 2 años de piano
* Hobbies/Habilidades: Canto, actuación, baile
* Comidas favoritas: Cualquier comida picante (especialmente curry), banano, hielo
* Lenguajes extranjeros: Inglés (nivel principiante)
* Artistas favoritos: Wayne Lin Jun Jie, Cyndi Wang
* Grupos en Hello! Project:
* Morning Musume (2007 - 2010)
* Grupos de conciertos:
* W
- She was a member of Amazoness Quartet, who were actually the Sailor Quartet, those intended to protect Chibiusa in the future when Crystal Tokyo was in power. They were still sleeping when Queen Nehellenia sense their power, and used her dark power to corrupt the four Senshi, and they became the Amazoness Quartet. After they were destroyed, Sailor Saturn saved them (and their orbs) when the Dead Moon Circus was crumbling. Later, she asked Neo-Queen Serenity to revive them using the power of the Silver Crystal. They returned to their Senshi forms, and went back into sleeping, waiting for the time where they would be able to protect Chibiusa.