| - Nunchaku es un arma usada por Johnny Cage en Mortal Kombat:Deadly Alliance y Mortal Kombat:Armageddon y por Liu Kang en Mortal Kombat: Deception y Mortal Kombat:Armageddon
- In modern times possession of the weapon is banned in various countries due to its ability to inflict harm. This ban has crossed to television censorship where certain cartoon and videogame characters have been known to be re-edited or excluded due to possessing the weapon.
- Nunchaku were peasant weapons adapted from a farmer's threshing tool and were surprisingly effective compared to how easy they were to create. The weapon consisted of two foot-long wooden handles connected by a foot-long chain. In the hands of a skilled user they were beautiful to watch, and the flexibility of the construction allowed the user to perform a variety of attacks such as punches, bludgeoning and choking.
- The Nunchaku are, by self-explanation, a pair of nunchaku in Soulcalibur III. Because these nunchaku are the default weapons in the Nunchaku discipline (available exclusively to Li Long and custom characters in the Monk and Sword Master classes), this weapon has no special effects. The style used with this discipline is the same as Li Long's, the Matchless Dragon.
- The art of nunchaku is also known as 'the sweet skill'. Now the Uncyclopedia has ensmartened you, Grasshopper. Clear your mind of conscious thought, and allow true knowledge to enter your soul, like a q-tip into your urethra. Follow me into the enlightenment below.
- O nunchaku é uma arma mundana oriental.
- Nunchaku or Nunchucks are a martial arts weapon consisting of two clubs connected by a short length of chain. While the nunchaku were more common in China and Hong Kong in the 1930s, they were also employed by Japanese ninja and the Yakuza.
- thumb|Nunchaku de GaïUn nunchaku est formé de deux bâtons reliés ensemble par une chaîne. On fait tourner le deuxième bâton pour l'actionner. Gai Maito est d'ailleurs un très bon utilisateur de nunchaku. Dans Naruto clash of ninja 1-2 sur la console Wii ,il pouvait utiliser cette arme qui était assez redoutable.
- It has stats comparable to an iron warhammer, albeit with 5 more strength bonus. It is also a two-handed weapon, meaning players cannot use a shield at the same time.
- Nunchaku är ett vapen från Jorden som består av två pinnar som sitter ihop med ett rep. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game")kategori:Tau'ri teknologikategori:Vapen
- It is notable in the TMNT universe as being the main weapon of choice of Michelangelo, although a few characters throughout the franchise have been seen wielding them as well. Nunchaku were traditionally wielded as a defensive weapon, used to lock joints and disarm weapons. Popular culture has shown nunchaku as a striking flail, which is how the weapon is often portrayed in TMNT media. They began as an ancient farming tool used to thrash grain.
- Nunchakus sind wiederkehrende Waffen innerhalb der Final Fantasy-Reihe. Es handelt sich bei dieser Waffe um zwei durch eine Kette oder ein Seil verbundene Stäbe. Es handelt sich um Nahkampf-Waffen, die durch das Schwingen der Stäbe Schaden verursachen. Es gibt sie in verschiedensten Ausführungen und Designs.
- Location: In Chapter 4, found on dead ninja corpse in Tairon to the very left of the main plaza with Muramasa's shop. You start with it in your inventory on higher difficulties or when using the hurricane packs. This non-upgradable weapon is fast and cool to use, but isn't very practical. There is a far better weapon with similar (but more deadly) properties. This one's for nostalgic purposes only.
- The nunchaku is an object made out of two sticks connected by a cord or chain link. Traditionally the nunchaku are used as a weapon in Okinawan kobudō. It is similar to the sansetsukon (three-sectioned staff), which has three sticks connected instead of two.
- , commonly referred to as Nunchuk, is a weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end with a short chain or rope.
- Intorno al 1400 i.C. un monaco Shaolin servendosi degli organi genitali maschili di due negri creò questa rivoluzionaria arma, presto adottata dall'esercito cino-vietnamita. Nel 1600 un generale si accorse che il procedimento di evirazione sistematica era troppo scomodo per essere portato avanti su grande scala, così si passò ad adoperare il legno, conservando fedelmente le forme falliche. In battaglia l'arma veniva fatta roteare in aria e poi lanciata verso il nemico, mirando alla bocca o al culo.
- The nunchaku is made of two hardwood wands or dowels connected at one end by a leather thong or short length of chain. The dowels are slightly tapered toward the chained end. An average set of nunchaku cost 2gp and weigh 2lbs (0.9kg).
- El Nunchaku (ヌンチャク, Nunchaku) es un arma ninja utilizado en la Serie Naruto. Esta arma consta de dos palos, generalmente hechos de acero, los cuales se encuentran unidos por una cuerda o una cadena. Las personas que utilizan esta arma la usan para defenderse de los ataques haciendo que el Nunchaku pase alrededor de ellos mismos y para atacar de esta misma forma o golpearles con alguno de los palos de forma directa o haciéndolos girar. A pesar de su simple estructura es muy peligrosa ya que se necesita un entrenamiento para su dominio debido a que el portador puede lastimarse a sí mismo fácilmente.
- El Nunchaku (ヌンチャク, Nunchaku) es un arma ninja utilizado en la Serie Naruto. Esta arma consta de dos palos, generalmente hechos de acero, los cuales se encuentran unidos por una cuerda o una cadena. Las personas que utilizan esta arma la usan para defenderse de los ataques haciendo que el Nunchaku pase alrededor de ellos mismos y para atacar de esta misma forma o golpearles con alguno de los palos de forma directa o haciéndolos girar. A pesar de su simple estructura es muy peligrosa ya que se necesita un entrenamiento para su dominio debido a que el portador puede lastimarse a sí mismo fácilmente.
- The nunchaku (Japanese: ヌンチャク, often "nunchuks", "chainsticks", "chuka sticks" or "karate sticks" in English) is a traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. Used by Okinawan farmers, it was not a historically popular weapon because it was ineffective against the most widely used weapons of that time, and because few techniques for its use existed. The two sections of the weapon are commonly made out of wood, while the link is a cord or a metal chain. The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts such as Okinawan kobudō and karate, and is used as a training weapon, since it allows the development of quicker hand movements and improves posture.