| - Clone Handmaidens, were clones cloned from various Prime Clones of other women, created and done by legendary Jedi Sage: Jiraiya Uzukariya. Jiraiya, cloned millions of females, (usually human), taken from thousands of prime clone(s)/template sources, all across the Galaxy. Using his abilities, Jiraiya could manipulate any female clone he cloned, genetically altering and tampering their DNA to any design to his liking and desire. This made the clones more susceptible to command and authority, limiting their self-independence to minimal. They were created to ellegantly perfect that they carried out and followed Jiraiya's desires and commands, and usually followed his every order and command. Some clients also desired "unaltered clones" for handmaiden services. He was, a "Master-Cloner". Some
| - Clone Handmaidens, were clones cloned from various Prime Clones of other women, created and done by legendary Jedi Sage: Jiraiya Uzukariya. Jiraiya, cloned millions of females, (usually human), taken from thousands of prime clone(s)/template sources, all across the Galaxy. Using his abilities, Jiraiya could manipulate any female clone he cloned, genetically altering and tampering their DNA to any design to his liking and desire. This made the clones more susceptible to command and authority, limiting their self-independence to minimal. They were created to ellegantly perfect that they carried out and followed Jiraiya's desires and commands, and usually followed his every order and command. Some clients also desired "unaltered clones" for handmaiden services. He was, a "Master-Cloner". Some clients, usually male, also requested handmaidens cloned from various female templates of their choosing. Jiraiya made profit for creating clones, as well as his handmaiden clones, and he created his own company and business called the: Uzukariya Business, at around 5,000 BBY. He also provided free services to his clients, however, only on the conditions that he'd be paid considerably a lot or if he was attracted or took a liking to the female candidate that was to be cloned. He sent out commercial adds to various worlds across the Galaxy, explaining a low-profile on himself, but detailing his extraordinary abilities and resources into producing excellent, efficient, cheaper clones to their desires. Jiraiya's planet of operations was on Koshi, however, it was difficult to locate. It was also believed to have scattered secretly across the Galaxy being on 27 or more planets.