| - Final Fantasy X-2 est la suite de Final Fantasy X (l'histoire se déroule deux ans après les évènements de ce dernier). Tout commence lorsque Rikku apporte à Yuna une sphère mystérieuse, trouvée au mont Gagazet, dans laquelle apparaît un homme qui ressemble étrangement à Tidus. Elle décide alors de rejoindre les Albatros, des chasseurs de sphères.
- Final Fantasy X-2 es una secuela de la décima entrega de Final Fantasy. Fue desarrollado por Square-Enix en 2002 para PlayStation 2, llegando a Europa en el 2004. Posteriormente fue reeditada para PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita y PlayStation 4 junto a Final Fantasy X, en la compilación Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster.
- Final Fantasy X-2 to pierwszy grywalny sequel w historii serii Final Fantasy. Wydana została w 2003r. w Japonii i Ameryce Płn. a rok później w Europie. Jest to druga gra, która została wydana na konsolę PlayStation 2. Historia jest opowiadana przez byłą summonerkę Yunę, dwa lata po wydarzeniach zawartych w Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy X-2 zdecydowanie różni się od poprzedniczki stosując fabułę opartą na misjach, pozwalającą graczowi uczestniczyć w wielu questach pobocznych i minigrach.thumb|244px
- Auf der Tokyo Game Show 2011 kündigte Square Enix an, zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des Spiels eine Neuauflage in HD für die Sony-Konsolen PlayStation 3 und PlayStation Vita zu veröffentlichen. Der Vorgänger Final Fantasy X wird ebenfalls ein HD-Remake bekommen und beide Spiele werden gemeinsam unter dem Namen Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster für die PS3 veröffentlicht, während für die PSVita die Titel seperat erhältlich sein werden.
- Final Fantasy X-2 (Charlie's Tomb Raiders in Europe) is the long-awaited money-grab sequel to Square-Penisenix's ever-popular video game, Kingdom Hearts. The name comes from the Japanese title Fainaru Fantajii X-2 or, roughly translated, "That which requires smoking crack to enjoy." The opening theme goes like this: 'Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dah doo doo.' You also are treated to many cutscenes where, instead of Yuna's usual 'Uh...uh...eh?', she decides to sing the theme song in a 'La la la la la la, I need the loo la la la fashion'.
- Final Fantasy X-2 è un capitolo della saga di Final Fantasy, noto per essere il primo seguito diretto di un titolo della saga regolare, Final Fantasy X appunto, e per essere uno dei titoli più controversi della saga stessa. Ambientato due anni dopo gli eventi del decimo capitolo, Final Fantasy X-2 si focalizza sull'avventura della bella ex-invocatrice Yuna che, dopo aver visto una misteriosa videosfera, è partita per un viaggio alla ricerca del suo amato Tidus; tra nuovi e vecchi personaggi, il gioco è proiettato in un mondo che si sta risollevando dal torpore causato dalla paura della morte alimentata dalla chiesa di Yevon e dalla presenza di Sin.
- Final Fantasy X-2 è un escremento esperimento della Square-Enix, ossia creare un seguito diretto d'un capitolo della saga Final Fantasy per vedere quante persone se lo sarebbero comprato. Il gioco nacque grazie ad un'idea partorita dalla fervida mente del geniale Tetsuya Nomura durante una violenta seduta di diarrea a fischio. Oltre ad essere il seguito del celeberrimo Final Fantasy X, questo titolone è anche l'erede del celebre gioco da tavolo Gira la Moda, del quale ha fedelmente rievocato il sistema di gioco.
- An HD remaster version for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita was announced at the Sony Press Conference in Japan on September 14, 2011 as part of a tenth anniversary special. The game is bundled with the remastered Final Fantasy X. A PlayStation 4 version was released in May 2015.
- Final Fantasy X-2 is a console role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console. It was released in 2003 and is the sequel to the best-selling 2001 game Final Fantasy X. The game's story follows the character Yuna from Final Fantasy X as she seeks to resolve political conflicts in the fictional world of Spira before they lead to war.
- Final Fantasy X-2 est la suite "officielle" de Final Fantasy X. Deux ans la disparition de Tidus à la mort de Sin, Yuna est invitée par Rikku, sa cousine, chez les Albatros, des chasseurs de sphères dirigés par Frangin, le frère de Rikku. En effet, Vegnagun, une machine de guerre surpuissante conçue pour détruire est sur le point d'être réveillé par Shuyin, l'homme de la sphère. Yuna va devoir, aux côtés de Rikku, Paine, ainsi que les Albatros, supprimer cette menace. D'une part pour sauver Spira, et d'autre part parce que c'est le rôle d'un Grand Invokeur.
- <default>Final Fantasy X-2</default> , Fainaru Fantajī Ten-Tsū?) Разработчики Издатели Даты выхода Жанр Режимы игры Возрастные ограничения Платформы Final Fantasy X-2 первый сиквел в серии Final Fantasy, релиз которого состоялся в 2003 году в Японии и Северной Америке,и спустя год в Европе. Сюжет рассказывает о бывшем призывателе Юне, где действия происходят в Спире, спустя два года после событий Final Fantasy X, где она и весь мир пытается привыкнуть к жизни без Греха, когда политические конфликты и древние тайны прошло пытаются разрушить новоиспеченный мир.
- Final Fantasy X-2 set several precedents in the Final Fantasy series aside from being the first direct sequel in video game form and the second sequel in the franchise, after the anime Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals. It was the first game in the series to feature only three playable characters, an all-female main cast, and early access to most of the game's locations. Additionally, it featured a variation of the character classes system—one of the series' classic gameplay concepts—and is one of the few games in the series to feature multiple endings. Finally, it was the first Final Fantasy game in the series that didn't have any musical contributions in it from longtime composer Nobuo Uematsu.