The Clone Wars multimedia project was a three-year project created by Lucasfilm Ltd., in conjunction with Del Rey, Dark Horse Comics, Cartoon Network and LucasArts. Set largely between the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (in terms of both in-universe and real-life chronology), the Clone Wars multimedia project attempted to tell the story of the Clone Wars in real time—through books, comics, television, and video games. This echoes the previous project Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. It was followed, beginning in 2008, with a film and TV series titled The Clone Wars.
Attributes | Values |
| - Clone Wars multimedia project
| - The Clone Wars multimedia project was a three-year project created by Lucasfilm Ltd., in conjunction with Del Rey, Dark Horse Comics, Cartoon Network and LucasArts. Set largely between the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (in terms of both in-universe and real-life chronology), the Clone Wars multimedia project attempted to tell the story of the Clone Wars in real time—through books, comics, television, and video games. This echoes the previous project Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. It was followed, beginning in 2008, with a film and TV series titled The Clone Wars.
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| - *Alpha-17
*Padmé Amidala
*Kit Fisto
*General Grievous
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Agen Kolar
*Aayla Secura
*Anakin Skywalker
*Shaak Ti
*Saesee Tiin
*Asajj Ventress
*Quinlan Vos
*Mace Windu
| - *Clone Wars
**Battle of Muunilinst
**Battle of Mon Calamari
**Battle of Dantooine
**Battle of Hypori
**Battle of Coruscant
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| - *Cerean
*Yoda's species
| - Proyecto multimedia Las Guerras Clon
| - *Confederacy of Independent Systems
**Separatist Droid Army
*Galactic Republic
**Grand Army of the Republic
*Jedi Order
*Order of the Sith Lords
| - *3PO-series protocol droid
*B1 battle droid
*B2 super battle droid
*Droid tri-fighter
*DSD1 dwarf spider droid
*IG-100 MagnaGuard
*IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank
*IG Lancer Combat Droid
*OG-9 homing spider droid
*R2-series astromech droid
*Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I
| - *Coruscant
*Mon Calamari
*Yavin 4
| - The Clone Wars multimedia project was a three-year project created by Lucasfilm Ltd., in conjunction with Del Rey, Dark Horse Comics, Cartoon Network and LucasArts. Set largely between the films Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (in terms of both in-universe and real-life chronology), the Clone Wars multimedia project attempted to tell the story of the Clone Wars in real time—through books, comics, television, and video games. This echoes the previous project Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. It was followed, beginning in 2008, with a film and TV series titled The Clone Wars.
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