| - The Rebel Army (also known as the Rebellion Army), led by General Donald Morden, is the main enemy of the Regular Army. They started the war against the Regular Army in 2026. The Rebellion Army was born out of and as a consequence of multiple terrorist groups that began to emerge in the opening of the 21st century. For the majority of that century's first 20 years, the Rebellion Army as we know it did not exist - the terrorist groups had no real cohesion, and though they were a nuisance to the Regular Army they weren't really considered a globe-shaking threat.
- The Rebel Army, also called "The Rebellion", is a terroristic military army and the main antagonistic faction in the Metal Slug series. They are led by the General Donald “Devil Rebirth” Morden.
- "Hahahaha!" - Morden laughing at his foes The Rebel Forces, under the command of General Morden, are enemies found in the game series: Metal Slug. Their purpose is to rid the world goverments and militaries. Why does this article exist in PokeFanon? Because the Rebel Forces in the RP have layed their eyes on the Pokemon World as well.
- Rebel Army is an army that was merged from several armies. Some notable armies are: Ninja Fighters, TAGP, RPF, and CPL. The armies eventually merged together, and on September 30, 2009, they merged into one major army.
- The Rebel Army, also called the Rebel ground forces or the Alliance Army, was the land service arm of the Rebel Alliance military. They mainly guarded Rebel outposts and bases and fought in ground operations. Their primary enemies were the Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps. After the Galactic Civil War, it was reorganized into the New Republic army.
- Sometime in the latter part of the 20th century, various fascist governments came to power in Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria. On April 24, 1998 Syria invaded a civil war stricken Lebanon. The war ended in a matter of days, with Syria quickly blitzing the country and annexing it into Syria proper. In 1999, revolutionary fever began to spread. People began to riot and protest, only to be put down by their respective police forces in a matter of minutes, which led to the formation of various armed rebel groups and cells. It wasn't until 2001 that rebels realized that there were other revolutionaries in their neighboring countries and thus all over the Middle-East. In 2001, revolutionary groups to overthrow the Saudi kingdom began to form. In 2002, the Rebellious Reds, an armed