| - Maya
- After Phoenix Wright defends her from charges of murdering her older sister Mia in the second episode of the first game, she stays on with Phoenix to assist in investigation and proceedings of his cases. She returns in both Justice For All and Trials and Tribulations as Phoenix's assistant. In the second episode of Justice for All, she is accused of murder once again but is also once again defended by Wright. Maya also worked briefly as a waitress and called as a witness in the third episode and the fifth episode of Trials and Tribulations, respectively.
- Maya Fey is a character in Project ✕ Zone 2.
- Maya wurde in Kurain als zweite Tochter von Misty Fey in Kurain geboren. Einige Zeit später verstarb bereits ihr Vater. Sie wurde eines Tages mit ihrer älteren Schwester Mia Fey dabei erwischt, wie sie die heilige Urne, die die Seele von Ami Fey beherbergte, reparierte, nachdem die die beiden sie zerbrochen hatte. Ihre Mutter hatte davon ein Bild geschossen und es im Kurainer Talisman behalten. Diesen musste sie als damalige Meisterin bis zu ihrem Tod tragen.
- She is a person dude that's best friends with frozenwinters. I eat bacon, wor -DR. OCTAGONAPUS! GRAAARRRGHHH!- lds, and latex apparently. USED TO OWN RPOT BECAUSE OF THE SHEER FORCE OF THE NEW TOPICS THAT I MADE EVERY SINGLE SECOND. manpersonguything never said GLIP GLOP GLIPPITY BOP to me in real life Is apparently gay, because he likes sailor moon. +Mudkips +Sailor Moon -captain geno -popple destroyed the sun for an entire night.
- Maya Fey is the current Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique and, subsequently, the head of the Fey clan. A close friend of the famous defense attorney Phoenix Wright, she was his assistant for the majority of his career between the years 2016 and 2019.
- I can't really think of much about me, but I don't have that great grammar or spelling. As of wrighting this page, I have the three rp characters Pearl fey, Maya's cousin. Ami Mizuno(shut up about her being a sailor senshi allready.) and a randomly changing alt. She is married to Chizuru Honsho -Shabon Spray! ~Ami Mizuno
- Maya Fey is a playable character in Attorney Online famous (and infamous) for her incredible role diversity. She can support the defense, the prosecution, be a detective, and even be the killer! Her quirky and unpredictable personality make her a wildcard in any trial. Generally, Maya is a despised final boss due to her wildly out-of-character (and edgy) "killer" personality. As any other role, Mayas are much more likely to be liked due to her ditzy but supportive characterization. In most cases, Mayas are endearing rather than hated.
- {{Personaje |juego = PW |nombre = Maya Fey |imagen =28 años=250px|-|17-19 años=[[Archivo:Trilogy_Maya.png|250px]] |alias = Maya, la místicaMeg (por Yanni YogiAya MeyEncanto (por Max Galáctica) |japonés = 綾里真宵 (Mayoi Ayasato){{Anotación|*|Equivalente a Maya Fey}}真宵ちゃん (Mayoi-chan){{Anotación|*|Por Phoenix Wright y Larry Buzt}}真宵 (Mayoi){{Anotación|*|Por Misty Fey y Mia Fey}}真宵さま (Mayoi-sama){{Anotación|*|Por Pearl Fey y Morgan Fey; equivalente a Maya, la mística}}真宵くん (Mayoi-kun){{Anotación|*|Por Miles Edgeworth}} |inglés = Maya Fey |francés = Maya Fey |alemán = Maya Fey |italiano = Maya Fey |edad = 17 |edad2 = 28 |altura = 1,54 m (hasta ''[[Gyakuten Kenji 2]]'') |ojos = Verdes (de adolescente) Azules (de adulta) |pelo = Negro |nacimiento = 1999 |profesión = Consejera y ayudante de [[Phoeni
- Maya, Phoenix's faithful sidekick. I mentioned earlier that I really do love the patchwork family dynamic of Phoenix and the Fey girls, and in many ways Maya is the glue that holds it together. Really, the relationship between Phoenix and Maya is one of my favorite relationships in probably all of videogaming, and I really do like that the writers establish that the two are hugely important to one another--perhaps even the most important in each others' respective lives... but it's a strictly platonic friendship/sibling relationship, and they don't just fall into the trap of "lol he loves her!!!11"
- maya first appeared at the end of phoenix wright SPEED attorney eating burgers. she didnt appear again until phoenix wright turnabout egg where she testifies to seeing the murder of mugles egeworth but she lied and said he died twice. in phoenix wright turnabout pearl she sent pearl to phoenix so he could babysit her but when she was kidnapped maya defended phoenix for the crime in court. however she fail when pearl told them he did it.
- During the original trilogy of the main games, Maya was a medium-in-training who made her debut in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and the assistant partner to Phoenix Wright. After Phoenix Wright defends her from charges of murdering her older sister Mia in the second episode of the first game, she stays on with Phoenix to assist in investigation and proceedings of his cases. She returns in both Justice For All and Trials and Tribulations as Phoenix's assistant.
- Maya Fey is a character from Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and a main character from the Ace Attorney series by Capcom. She is the assistant of Phoenix Wright, who she met in a case related to her sister's death. Wright was able to prove her innocence in that case. Afterwards she was always there to help Phoenix in trials he was in. She is a very cheerful and often childish person. Maya is obsessed with burgers (ramen in the Japanese version), and action-shows for children, like 'The Steel Samurai', and often annoys Phoenix, but he cares a lot for her.