| - That Television Show With Blinking Lights Where People Talk Really Loudly!!! has been a staple of the American entertainment diet since its inception in 1953 as a Marlboro Awesome Sticks advertisement vehicle. The actual premise of the show is shaky, and it seems to fluctuate week by week with little regard for continuity, clarity, or even good sense. One time you'll find a game show comprised of playing cards and small, smart-mouthed children tossing snide insults back and forth, another time you'll find a sitcom where the actors longingly stare into the camera after jokes about erectile dysfunction. It could be anything, really, as long as it contains blinking lights and people talking really loudly, two things which Nielsen ratings have consistently proven are among what people like bes
| - That Television Show With Blinking Lights Where People Talk Really Loudly!!! has been a staple of the American entertainment diet since its inception in 1953 as a Marlboro Awesome Sticks advertisement vehicle. The actual premise of the show is shaky, and it seems to fluctuate week by week with little regard for continuity, clarity, or even good sense. One time you'll find a game show comprised of playing cards and small, smart-mouthed children tossing snide insults back and forth, another time you'll find a sitcom where the actors longingly stare into the camera after jokes about erectile dysfunction. It could be anything, really, as long as it contains blinking lights and people talking really loudly, two things which Nielsen ratings have consistently proven are among what people like best in their television shows, aside from violence, bears in clown suits, and, obviously, violent bears in clown suits. That Television Show With Blinking Lights Where People Talk Really Loudly!!! has often been derided by critics as too "loud", "garish", "blinky", and too "reeking of corporate shill-itude like the sluttiest of five-dollar whores bought on an executive business trip". Regardless, the show is popular with all demographics.