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| - Algrim was born into the race of dark elves more than five-thousand years before the present day. He served Malekith faithfully when Mhe led their people in a war against the Asgardians at a time when the Nine Realms were due to converge. Malekith's plans were dashed when the Aether was ripped from the dark elves' grasp, depriving them of their greatest weapon. Malekith sacrificed their ships, and most of their race, in a bid to hide their escape. This shocked Algrim, but he trusted his lord and followed him into a five-thousand year sleep, until the time of the next convergence of realms.
When the Nine Realms once again came into alignment, breaches began to appear in the barriers between worlds and the Aether gained a new host to carry it from its confinement. Malekith's warship detected this change and awoke Algrim and the remains of his people from their long sleep. Algrim then readily accepted his master's wish for him to become the last of the Kursed, an ancient order of dark elves who had sacrificed themselves to become short-lived, unstoppable creatures of raw, bestial power.
Algrim's first task was to infiltrate Asgard and open the way for Malekith's all-out assault. To this end he allowed himself to be captured among a group of raiders and then transported to Asgard's dungeons. There he unleashed his power and staged a prison escape, releasing many of the prisoners also held there.
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| - Kurse was a formidable hand to hand combatant, relying primarily on brawling techniques that allowed him to make full use of his vast strength.
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| - Like all Dark Elves, Kurse is vulnerable to iron. A blow from iron can harm him whereas an equally strong blow from a different substance would not harm him at all.
| - Superhuman Strength: The original level of Algrim's strength is unknown, but he was apparently the strongest of the Dark Elves. However, his strength was below that of Thor. After being transformed into his present form, Kurse was said to have double the strength of Thor.
Superhuman Speed: Kurse was capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than those of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Kurse's body produced almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him almost limitless physical stamina.
Superhuman Durability: Kurse's body was incredibly resistant to all forms of physical injury. He was capable of withstanding tremendous impact forces, falls from great heights, extreme temperatures and pressures, and powerful blows from Thor's hammer without sustaining injury. Kurse was even capable of surviving for days at a time without the need to breathe.
Living Armor: Kurse's armor was a living part of him, growing organically, and helped contribute to his already staggering durability.
Extended Longevity: Although not immortal, Kurse did age at a pace much more slowly when compared to human beings. Kurse was also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Psionic Tracking: Kurse possessed an unusual ability that enabled him to mentally sense and track an individual, even if that individual was thousands of miles away. The full limits of this ability have not been revealed.
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| - Organic Armor: Due to the Beyonder's augmentation, Kurse's armor was a living part of him, growing organically, and helped contribute to his already staggering durability.
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